I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Home Sweet Home

We had the opportunity to spend the day and night with our really good friends, Brie and Shawn in Stillwater, OK one last time before the big move. (Two weeks and one day....but who's counting?) This visit wasn't all play though. We did spend the morning sorting through boxes of hair-covered, stale smelling goods, but our load is holding up pretty well considering it's been in storage now for 10.5 months. After the work was finished we headed to the newly renovated Student Union on campus, got our frisbee on, gorged on Hideaway Pizza (which originated in Stilly) and then it was Strip hitting time. Here's some pictures of the night!

Stillwater is where our story began and holds so many great memories for each of us. This town is where we came to find ourselves and instead ended up finding each other. Even though the campus and place itself is always changing, some things never will. Our memories, the friends and family we made, the goals we accomplished here and our very first chapter that was written four years ago. Last but not least, time will never change the way we hold hands each trip we make into Stillwater, smile and look at each other like goofy in-love college kids because inside our hearts we know we're home sweet home.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

TX Moving Update

We are about five weeks out from our big move to San Angelo, TX. We're so excited and looking forward to this move for numerous reasons. We went to Tinker's moving office this week and went through the counseling session on how to do a DITY move. It really hit us then that, yes, we're finally really after all this time going to move!

April is going to be a whirlwind of a month for us. We're spending April 6-10 in Enid to see my family and to celebrate my mother's and Kit's birthday! We have a road trip planned to San Angelo, TX for April 11 & 12 to scout out apartments/rental houses. April 15th we'll load up the UHaul and head to our new home! We can't wait. I report on April 16th and start school that Friday, April 20th. This class start date could very well change, but if it stays on course then we'll be finished in Texas by November 8th. If all this stays on course then we should know where we're going next around August/September. This year will be one of many changes, moves and adventures for the McVay family. This is a change that we've been waiting on for 10.5 months. Bring it!