I've blogged before that we're into saving as much money as possible with the new baby coming along. I wanted to sum up after the baby showers were through, all the items we've scored second hand either from Craigslist, an online FB selling site or Goodwill. Some items we insisted on buying new, like the car seat and breast pump. Mostly everything else we have for our daughter was either given to us (so grateful for all the gifts!) or bought second hand. I encourage new moms to not be afraid of heading out to your local Goodwill or scanning Craigslist (make sure you're safe when you meet folks of course) to score some deep savings. Yes, some of the items you find need a good rinse of bleach or lysol haha but if you can save hundreds of dollars, then it's well worth it in my book to put a little elbow grease into it. We never paid full price for any of our daughter's clothes, blankets, burp clothes, or swaddlers. This allowed us to splurge a little on the decorations like the custom curtains/blanket we ordered from Etsy, a soft fun rug for her room and we bought her crib/dresser new as well (but with coupons!). Before we purchased a second hand item we always crossed checked with Amazon for how much it was new, just to make sure we were getting a good deal or if it was worth just purchasing new. Here's what we've spent on major items we bought second hand: (what we paid / Amazon price)
Bumbo (Lilac) - Free / $48 ( I asked to purchase one from someone on a FB site I'm part of, and a lady just offered it to us for free!)
Stork glider/ottoman - $85 / $185 (Craigslist)
Activity Center - $5/$55 (FB)
Chicco KeyFit 30 travel system: carseat (bought new), extra base and compatible stroller (bought used off FB) - $260 / $435 (if bought all new)
Vibrate seat - $15 / $63 (FB)
Infant tub - $8 / $16
Blooming bath - $12 / $40
Baby hangars (20ct) - $2 / $12 (Goodwill)
Bottle dishwasher basket - $1 / $8 (Goodwill)
Pregnancy horseshoe pillow - $20 / $60 (FB)
Diaper Genie Elite $10 / $30
6 swaddlers $10 / $42
Spent: $428
Would have spent buying new: $994
SAVED: $566
Again that's not counting all the clothes we've purchased for her for $0.50-$3/piece. We haven't spent over $3 for a piece of clothing for her yet. We didn't get too many clothes as gifts, so we've had fun picking things out ourselves!
I've never bought a new nursing bra yet. I've scored about 5-8 from Goodwill for about $3-$4 each. I also never bought a new nursing camisole, only used at Goodwill for $4/piece and maternity shorts too ($5/pair). My husband has been really impressed at the maternity clothing I've scored from Goodwill. I promise, it's worth the digging.
Tips: Don't be afraid to offer a counteroffer. Many people just want something for their item rather than giving it away for free, so most are open to knocking off a couple dollars if it means not having to donate it later. Worst case they stay firm and you still score a deal! Also try not to be too picky with colors. As you can tell many of our items are blue or gender neutral. The baby isn't going to care and neither should you if you're out to save some money. If we have a boy next, he'll be just as happy in a lilac colored bumbo! Haha
Again parents, don't be scared of second hand items! It definitely saved us a ton!