I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Bumpdate: 35 Weeks

Size of baby: Coconut

Pregnancy Symptoms: Severe intense lower left back/side pain, nausea

Things that make me nauseous: Back pain

Cravings: Melon and protein shakes (shying away from food at dinner time)

Sleep: 5-7 hours/night

Exercise: Nothing, been in too much pain :(

Baby Movement: Not really kicks anymore, just squirming and rolling

Total Weight Gain: 30 lbs

I reached the big 3-0 # gained!  I have a goal of not wanting to gain over 40#, but I'm not sure I'll make that at this rate.  We'll see!  I'm trying not to stress too much about it, but being overweight for so long has it's bad mental habits with it.

As you can see, my stretchmarks are insane!  I'm trying to come to terms with them and see them as stripes of honor, but it's tough.  My girlfriends have been giving me some amazing and uplifting support which is a huge help.  It's just hard for my mind to wrap around the fact that for 27 years I had a mark-less tummy, and now that will forever change.  It will just take time and some encouraging words from friends and family but I'm sure I'll come to terms with it.  No other choice, they're here to stay!

This week was my first week for half days at work.  It made such a huge difference!  I feel like my stress levels have decreased quite a bit, and my contractions aren't so frequent like they were in the afternoons beforehand.  I'm very thankful that I have the opportunity to still fully support my family financially and be able to work half the hours every week.  It could not have come at a better time either because this week I was introduced to some serious back pain.

Now if I had to describe my 35th week of pregnancy in one word, it'd be pain.  Saturday (34 + 6) I was off getting a pedicure when I started feeling really bad period-like cramps on my left side, even radiating into my lower left back.  I couldn't even enjoy the pedicure.  Afterwards I rushed home, laid down and gulped water like a fish (my standard for any pregnancy aliment these days).  No relief.  In fact the pain got worse.  I started breathing hard, sweating and feeling nauseous.  It just didn't feel right so off to labor and delivery I went!  I was certain it was kidney stones or my colon.  After 4 hours in the hospital all the triage nurse could diagnose me with was round ligament pain and lower back nerve pain.  They gave me some medicine to try to relax me and help with the nausea then sent me home.  The pain got so intense after I got home that I threw up.  I've never in my life been in so much pain that I threw up.  It had me scared and feeling pretty hopeless, especially dealing with it by myself.  Surprisingly I felt completely fine the next two days, then the pain came back but only in my left lower back area.  I visited my midwife about it, and she had the same diagnosis except she thought it was more nerve pain since pain meds had no effect.  The only thing she could suggest was stretching, heat and cold packs, visiting a chiropractor or trying to get Norah to move off whatever nerve she was effecting.  The pain goes from a dull ache to a throbbing almost sharp pain and it doesn't matter how I'm sitting or standing.  I thought I was pretty pain tolerant, but this has me almost in tears everyday.  I'm suppose to live with this for another 5 weeks!?!?  It even has me doubting if I can pull off an unmedicated birth like I want.  If I can't handle this, how can I handle pushing a watermelon out of my vagina?  I'm hoping she starts to drop soon and moves off whatever nerves she's disturbing.  I'm not sure I can handle this for 5 more weeks.  I can't exercise, I can hardly work my half days, and my poor pups walks are suffering.  I did end up seeing a new chiropractor three times this week, and it's definitely helped to manage the pain.  There are still times where the pain spikes up bad, especially when I drive for some reason, but it's becoming bearable.  I'm not scared to go to the grocery store like I was in the beginning of the week in fear that I'd not be able to get around without crying.  So that's a plus!  Next I'd like to be able to walk my poor Golden!

My view almost every afternoon trying to get through the back pain.  Zeus is SUCH a good bed rest buddy! 

On a more positive note, my unit totally surprised me with wanting to throw me a baby shower this weekend!  I work mainly with men, but the few women I do work with insisted and it was such a special treat.  I'm very grateful for their thoughtfulness!

Yummy lemon cake

Great hostess!

Baby sock matching game

Handmade blanket, can never have enough

Embroidered hat, onesie and blanket with Norah's initials and a sweet banner! 

I had some days were I felt good enough to do some crafting!  I finished a wreath for our front door and finally finished that wooden sign for the nursery.  I love how they turned out!

Finished product!

We also hit another milestone this week.  One Month Out!!  On Friday the 24th was officially a month from her due date!  We seriously can't believe it.  We have about one month left of being a family of two, and we couldn't be more excited or ready.  I'm trying to take time out of my day and just enjoy the anticipation.  I have so much waiting for me to be thankful and excited for!

5 Weeks To Go!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Bumpdate: 34 Weeks

Size of baby: Butternut Squash

Pregnancy Symptoms: BH contractions daily, overheated easily, always hot, constantly thirsty, peeing every 30 minutes, nailed the pregnancy waddle

Things that make me nauseous: Nothing

Cravings: Nothing crazy this week

Sleep: 5-7 hours/night

Exercise: CrossFit 3 times, gym twice and walking 2 miles/day

Baby Movement: So. Much. Movement.

Total Weight Gain: Didn't weigh

This week we had another midwife check-up!  The baby's heart rate is 130bpm and my blood pressure is still low.  I'm still measuring a week ahead by the fundus measurement.  My midwife did put me on half days at work, so I'm very much relieved and ready for the break!  My days are packed with working 9 hours, CrossFit takes about two hours with travel time, walking my dog for about 30-45 minutes nightly and cooking dinner.  I'm on the go from 6am-8pm M-F and hardly get time to just sit and relax.  I'm looking forward to having some time to myself to unwind!

What 8.5 months pregnant in the AF looks like!

I also had a 3-day weekend so I had a chance to do some serious baby prepping.  I completed our diapering, breastfeeding and postpartum baskets and mostly packed up our hospital bags for the big day!

I scored some more deals this week too for baby.  I've been causually looking for a highchair.  We don't need one right away, but if a great deal popped up I wasn't against snagging it for this winter.  I bought this from a lady on base from FB for $15!  Online new I found it for $80, and she'd only used it for a month or so.  Gender neutral and straps are included just not pictured.  Score!

Also a buddy from work gave me this rock n play since their daughter is 1 year old now.  It will make a great bassinet for downstairs!  I love hand-me-downs.

I'm still working out 5 days a week and doing CrossFit for three of those days.  I'm so proud of myself for keeping this up for so long.  I haven't lost too much of my muscle tone ( I can still see my traps peeking through!) and I feel like it's helped tremendously with the swelling.  My friend had to snap a couple funny pictures of course!

Overall I finally feel pretty prepared, or as much as I can get anyway!  This is the last week my midwife said that if I have contractions or preterm labor that they'd make an effort to stop it.  After you hit 35 weeks I guess research has shown it does more harm than good to stop labor from happening.  Pretty scary sounding because I still need her to stay put for 4 more weeks!  Despite all my nesting and prepping I know I won't feel completely 100% ready until my birthing partner walks through my door.

6 Weeks To Go!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Prepping for Baby!

McBaby prep, check!  I finally had everything ready to pack our hospital bags.  I'm 6 weeks out, so I rather be safe than scrambling and forget something I really wanted or needed!  I got advice from family, friends and Pinterest on what I'd need, so I thought I'd share on what we packed!  My husband got a bag, and then I had one.  We will also bring along the boppy, birthing ball and each a pillow because even the hospital staff said theirs are awful.

Dad's Bag:
Swim trunks (in case I need him in the shower/tub with me at the hospital)
Flip flops
Phone chargers
Placenta packaging supplies/ice chest
Snacks for both of us (Cliff Bars, nuts, crackers, etc)
2 days worth of clothes

Mom's Bag:
Flip flops
Birthing gown (I wanted my own for comfort/feel good in.  Ordered mine from Prettypushers.com)
Birth plan and file folder for stray papers
Rice pack 
Coconut oil (perineal massaging)
Fake candles/bath oil (laboring in tub)
Birth affirmation cards

Breastfeeding friendly jammies
Nursing bra
Granny panties
Going home outfit
Nipple cream/pads
Norah's going home outfit/mittens

Just some of the items I packed!

Norah's going home outfit!  We looked together for months and finally found something that felt comfy and cute to us.  We got all the pieces separately at different times, but they all go together nicely.  We had so much fun together finding her outfit!  Yes it's mostly blue, but oh well.  

I also found a really great blog on little kits or baskets to help with breastfeeding, diapering and postpartum care for Mom, so with some tweaks I made my own!  We live it a two story house, so I knew I wouldn't want to be constantly running upstairs to change her or because I forgot something I needed after I just sat down to breastfeed.  Also I won't have any help after my husband's summer break is over, so no one to fetch me something I forgot or help me out.  I knew these baskets were a good idea for us and our situation.  I made three kinds and two of each (one for upstairs, one for downstairs).  I bought all six baskets at Dollar Tree for $1 each, and they're not too small or too bulky.

Diaper changing baskets (blue):

Baby wipes
NB diapers
Diaper rash cream
Baby powder
Dish towel (to change her on)
Extra onesies (in case of a blow out)

Breastfeeding baskets (green):

Snacks for Mom
Nipple shield (add later if needed)
Earth mama angel nipple butter
Burp cloths
Extra onesie
Bella B organic breast wipes
Breast pads
Hand lotion

Once I settle down to breastfeed I wanted everything in arms reach, so I'm really excited about having a station where I can find everything without having to interrupt Norah's meals!

Postpartum baskets (red):

Peri bottle (Get from the hospital)
Toilet wipes
Overnight mega pads
Extra grannie underwear
Tucks or Preparation H
Pain reliever
Stool softener
First aid spray for stitches

The baskets fit perfectly on the back of the toilet so that they're within arms reach.

I also made "padsicles" but they have to stay in the freezer, so they can't go in the baskets.  They're overnight pads with witch hazel (alcohol free) and aloe vera drizzled on them, wrapped in foil and then threw them in the freezer!  I hear they're wonderful if you've had a vaginal delivery, so I made a few to get me started.

As a new mom I knew you needed lots of new items for a baby, but no one ever talks about postpartum care and things Mom needs to heal afterwards!  Thankfully I found many blogs and pins about it, so luckily I had time to prepare before coming home after the hospital.  For the next baby shower I attend I'm definitely including care items for Mom too!

It feels SO good to have these bags packed besides items we use daily, baskets prepped and the car seat ready, but it's so surreal seeing these things now throughout the house.

Are we really having a baby!?!?

Friday, April 10, 2015

Bumpdate: 33 Weeks

Size of baby: Honeydew melon

Pregnancy Symptoms: BH contractions daily, hard to breathe when slouched or laying on my back, pain in hip flexors, overheated easily, always hot, constantly thirsty, peeing every 30 minutes, starting the pregnancy waddle!

Things that make me nauseous: Nothing

Cravings: Anything LEMON!

Sleep: 5-7 hours/night

Exercise: CrossFit 3 times, gym twice and walking 2 miles/day

Baby Movement: Feeling her in my lower stomach quadrant now, we think it's her arms!

Total Weight Gain: Haven't weighed this week

This week my husband turned 28 years old, so of course I requested a selfie.  I hate being a part for this, but we'll get to celebrate it and many other things in just 5 more weeks!

This week I REALLY had to force myself to hit the gym.  I just was so incredibly low on energy, but I forced myself to go and even get in 5 sessions!  I never walk out regretting a workout, so I'm still hitting it while I can.  Also, I finished my breastfeeding, diaper and postpartum baskets and padsicles for after we bring Norah home.  Details in a future blog!

I can't believe how much we've grown since January.  I'm so glad I've been taking weekly photos to see the changes.  It's hard to really see it when you look down everyday and see the same view.

Just need her to stay in for 5 more weeks!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Bumpdate: 32 Weeks

Size of baby: Squash

Pregnancy Symptoms: BH contractions daily, hard to breathe when slouched or laying on my back, pain in hip flexors, overheated easily, constantly thirsty, peeing every 30 minutes, starting the pregnancy waddle!

Things that make me nauseous: Nothing

Cravings: Lemon anything (cookies, muffins, bread, drinks, etc)

Sleep: 6-8 hours/night

Exercise: CrossFit 3 times, gym twice and walking 2 miles/day

Baby Movement: Hourly, even jumps when I turn on the blow dryer!

Total Weight Gain: 25 lbs

Two months to go!  We're getting so excited!  This week I tried to make a wooden plank sign for the nursery.  I found one on Etsy I liked but not for $120!  I bought the supplies for it for $40 instead, and really tried to make it, but sadly lacks the skills with a B & D drill.  I even got coached twice over FaceTime by my expert husband and still couldn't screw the damn boards together, so it will have to wait for Dad to get home!  The song, "Your are my sunshine" holds a special place in my heart.  My Grandma Jacque (maternal grandmother) used to always sing this to me when I was little.  This is our song.  I wanted to pass this song and it's love down to my children.  I'm already practicing singing this to her nightly.  My husband doesn't even mind hearing it.

We had another check-up with the midwife this week!  My bp is still low and Norah's heart rate is perfect.  I'm still measuring a week ahead, so staying pretty consistent.  My next appt is at 34 weeks pregnant, then at 36 weeks we'll have the final ultrasound!

I attended a breastfeeding class this week, and it was really informative!  The instructor provided lots of tips/tricks and showed us different styles and methods.  I'm pretty intimidated by breastfeeding, but really excited about it too and the benefits for mom!  I have a goal for myself to breastfeed Norah for a year (pending any deployments).  Hopefully we can both stick with it!

This week has been a busy one for me.  I squeezed in 5 workouts, finished a few baby projects, did some major spring cleaning and have been tending to my healing cat who is freshly spayed.  This week was the first that I found myself pretty tired and low on energy a few days this week.  I haven't really felt this exhausted since the first trimester.  The effects of pregnancy, hauling around the extra 25lbs and heat of Florida are starting to take a toll on my body I'm afraid.  Luckily I've been pretty immune to it all, but it was bound to catch up with me sometime!  The nights I was pretty run down the BH contractions kicked up (another sign I know I need to slow down), and I got pretty close to having to make a repeat trip to the hospital but they finally settled out.  This momma just doesn't know how to take it easy!

Gym Selfie #1

Gym Selfie #2

My poor Artemis

My Saturday morning tradition

He wishes!

These last few weeks I feel are crawling by, so when I look at my countdown I'm reminded that she's approaching quickly!  I can't believe this week we hit 50 days out from our due date.  7 Weeks Left!