Just like that my baby is halfway to three years old. So much is going on right now with her little sister, but I wanted to take a quick break to talk about my firstborn and where she's at. This girl is my mini me, best friend and just the sweetest love of my life. She's so much fun to be around, funny to laugh with and has a heart of absolute gold.
Physically she's just perfection. She's up to 30lbs now, eyes still blue like her sweet Daddy's and long curly blonde hair past the middle of her back. She's just beautiful. She's into 3T clothes and size 7 shoes. Still rocking a size 5 diaper, but that may change over Christmas break.
This girl loves to run, but most of all we all love to watch her run. She does this little run, skip, hop mixture that is just the cutest! Her Nana and I don't ever want her to grow out of it. She jumps high! She thinks she's hot stuff when she walks backwards. She balances on one foot, takes stairs one foot at a time and is right on track for her age and development.
We enrolled her in ballet a few months ago and to our surprise she's really taken to it quickly. She loves going to class and is so proud of herself when I get to go in and watch her. She's so amazing to watch, not because she's a phenomenal dancer (because she's two haha) but because I see the pride swell up in her little body and her desire for my approval. She's such a big girl already!
Norah loves to paint and draw. She even drew Daddy a picture of "Norah's new house". Her favorite thing to paint are pumpkins. She probably painted 3-4 pumpkins this Halloween per her request. She enjoys her books and we love hearing herself read out loud. She is really into trains, cars and any toys with wheels. She loves everything and anything dress up right now. If Mama puts on make up, deodorant, chap stick, whatever...Norah needs it too. She even puts lotion on her belly every morning, so funny. When she stays the night with her grandparents here lately she's been playing dress up in old dresses. We love those pictures! Her favorite thing to do is still probably play outside. This girl could live outside. We spend lots of time at the park, taking walks and playing in our new backyard.
Norah still naps, but there are days she skips. Usually she naps for 1.5-2 hours. I'm going to miss this era when it's gone! We still have her in her crib and will until she figures out she can climb out. She's got her leg up there a few times, but doesn't realize her true potential, so until then it's the crib for her. We set up her toddler bed (thanks Aunt Jenna!) in her new room, and she begs to sleep in it every night. Trying to hold her off for as long as we can for sure!
Norah's favorite meal of the day is by far breakfast. She literally asks for "O-meal" every morning before we can even get her diaper changed. She's up to two packs in the morning! Just like her Daddy when he was that age from what we're told. Her worst meal is dinner, hit or miss. She loves hummus, PIZZA, peas, crackers, fruit pouches, milk, oatmeal, eggs and chicken nuggets. I discovered she eats free at CiCi's so since I've been pregnant we have little lunch dates there about once a month. We both eat for $6.50 and boy do we get our monies worth. My girl puts away about 4 pieces sans crust all on her own! She's a big fan of CiCi's haha.
The most notable change with Norah these days is her language. Literally this girl amazes us with what she's able to comprehend, understand, verbalize and relate back to us. She's ahead of the curve and we're not sure why but we're glad for it. She's up to 4-5 word sentences, she can count to four, she knows letters, animal sounds, animals, family member's names and so much more. One of my favorite things she's doing now is verbalizing her feelings. She'll throw a fit and suddenly say "Norah sad Mama". We'll be walking home from the park and she'll say "Park fun alot!" or "Norah happy!" I just love it. She'll verbalize a scenario to us 10-15 minutes after she's had time to internalize it and we love to hear her take on things. She remembers movies like nobody's business! For instance she'll go months without seeing Tangled and then one day tell you the plot, about the "mean lady" and about the "baby with green eyes". She also has started to say "I sorry Mama" after she throws insane fits or yells or does something she knows isn't okay. We don't encourage her to say it because we want her to feel remorse, not just say the word, and so far she's been saying it spontaneously. She'll say "I sorry mama" then kiss me. It astounds us that she's experiencing these feelings already. It's probably normal, but since she's our first all this is new to us! She's definitely not all flowers and sunshine, plenty of sass too but it's just all so amazing to watch and hear.
The older she gets the more affectionate she becomes. Right now she's a complete Mama's girl. Especially since I've been at home with her the last 6 weeks or so. She loves to snuggle with me on the couch (even asks to snuggle). She'll randomly run up to me, grab my face with both hands and kiss me. Last week when we went to wake her up in the morning she hugged my belly and kissed it. She just melts me! She asks for hugs all the time and really is the sweetest little girl.
We can't wait to see how she'll change with little sister coming so soon. She's going to be the best big sister ever and we can't wait to feel our hearts explode with all the love.