I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Scarlett Kay: 4 Months Old

Weight and Length: 11lbs 9oz and 23.75 inches long

Diaper: Size 1

Clothes: 3 Months

Eating: 15-20 min at a time about 5-7 times a day

Sleeping: 12-14 hours straight, naps 1-2 times a day for 1-3 hours

Four months old!  We just love watching this one grow and develop.  This first year is just our favorite!  From here on out this is all new for my husband who sadly had to miss this part with our first baby.  He didn't live with us from 3.5 months old - 10.5 months old.  He missed the rolling, crawling, sitting up and cruising stages.  I'm so excited for him to see it all with me for our sweet Scarlett!

This month we were pretty low key since I finally started work again after a 2 year hiatus to complete nursing school and enjoy some maternity leave.  This month was Scarlett's first at daycare.  Thus far she's doing great!  She takes her bottles (which is always the biggest hurdle with breastfed babes) and even drinks my frozen stash!  She doesn't nap super well there yet, but it's a work in progress.  Her caretakers are amazing.  I don't know how we keep lucking out!  They say that she's hardly ever fussy, that she gives them loads of smiles and giggles and really is an easy baby.  I hope so!  My husband says he loves picking her up at the end of the day because when she sees him she kicks, smiles and screams with joy.

Pics from her teachers!

She is getting SO close to rolling from her back to tummy which is great, but also means no more swaddling.  Unlike Norah, this girl LOVES to be swaddled at night.  We never had to transition Norah, we simply just stopped swaddling her.  Scarlett I'm afraid will be a different story.  We're trying some new transition swaddles, hope they work for the whole night.  So far we just use them at nap time and they work ok.  She's got one strong startle reflex still so I'm hoping that fades over the next few weeks.  She still sleeps 10-14 hours at a time at night!

This month she's really starting to do new things.  She can grasp a rattle now and bring it to her mouth to chew.  She is continuing to roll from front to back more smoothly.  She's even became strong enough to sit in her chair without her head falling forward.  She loves to stand up on her legs and really enjoys sitting and looking out.  She loves snuggling faces with her sister in the mornings and really enjoys it when her Daddy and I talk to her.  She loves nursery rhymes with hand motions and still loves to be rocked to sleep at night.

We had a check up and shots this month.  She's dropped down to 5 percentile in weight so we're going to try some rice cereal in her milk and strict no caffeine/dairy for Mama until we can figure out what's causing her to spit up so much.  I think if she didn't throw up so much she'd be a little chub like her sister.  We'll see, wish Mama luck!  12 hour hospital shifts with no coffee won't be fun, but it'll be worth it to see if it helps!  Other than that she's perfect!

It's so hard to believe she'll be trying solids here in a few months.  I can't believe how quick this first year of her life is going!  We really do love having two children and sometimes catch ourselves already thinking of another.  If they weren't so sweet and cute at this stage then we could help it!

Picture from this past month of our sweet Scarlett Kay.

Starting to be able to use her chair!


Aunt Jenna

No more insert needed!

Sassy thing on our hands?

That tongue!!

I made these two <3

She's suddenly not looking so tiny next to Norah

My good eater!


Scarlett's happy tongue!