I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

I can't believe we just finished Thanksgiving 2018!  The actual day of TG was my holiday this year, so I had to sleep all day in order to work that evening.  My husband drove the kids to OKC and they celebrated with his family.

This day also happened to be Scarlett's actual 1st birthday!  I couldn't request off work because it was my set holiday to work this year.  It hit me hard that I had to miss seeing her (and Norah). 

We cooked and celebrated with my side of the family on Saturday!  Kit brined an awesome turkey (probably his best yet) AND he put together all the sides.  I at least did the grocery shopping!  We had an awesome day and Norah was so excited to see everyone.

We had an awesome long weekend, especially since Kit got off work for 5 days and spent so much great time with the kids.  I had to work, but we made the best of it!  I'll blog soon on Miss Scarlett's first birthday party that we celebrated the weekend before soon! 

We really have so much to be thankful and grateful for this year.  First and foremost each other.  Health.  Stability.  Great jobs.  Family.  Adventures.  Time with our sweet Zeus while we had it.  Education and opportunities.  And an awesome roof over our heads.  These holiday times just keep getting better and better!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Halloween 2018

Scarlett Kay's first Halloween and our first as a family of four!  We thought long and hard on some really clever costume...and then life/work/kids happened and we went low key instead.  Our crazy spirited 3 year old asked us one day if she could be "Owlet" from PJ Masks cartoon and she wanted her Daddy to be CatBoy.  Well that was an easy choice!  I found a Geicko costume and our little blondie made the perfect Luna Girl (villian). 

We took the kids to SandSpring's Scare on the Square!  Great small town community event and safe to let the kiddo's run around.

On actual Halloween night Mama had to work, but I got to go in a hour late to trick or treat a little with my family.  We walked across the street (kids in the wagon) to a big shopping center and did the rounds there.  We got so much candy and it we'll definitely do it next year.  The shop keepers were so friendly.  I loved the drizzly fall weather too.  Scarlett was a warm unicorn!  And Norah wore her Halloween themed clothes from daycare that day.  Whatever works kid!

Daycare ready on Halloween

I went to work and of course we all sported a little Halloween fun!  We had a few Halloween babies that day too!

Happy Halloween!!!!!

Monday, November 5, 2018

Scarlett Kay: 11 Months

Weight: ?

Length: ?

Clothes: 6-9 month, 9 months

Eating: Breastfeeds 4-5 times a day, eats 3 finger foods meals a day

Sleeping: Mostly sleeping through the night, sometimes wakes up at 0500!

I can't believe we're here so soon.  My baby baby has one month left until she's ONE!  We just love her more and more each passing day.  I really feel this time went so much more quicker with this baby than with our Norah.  This month we had visits with the grandparents, spent so much time outside in the Fall weather and played at pumpkin patches!

She still loves her milk!  She's signing milk now too.  Don't be fooled though, this girl loves to EAT food!  We're lazily doing BLW (baby led weaning), not because it's the cool yuppie thing to do, but because it's the easiest thing to do for us.  Her favorite foods are peas, scrambled eggs, avocado chunks, banana and chili mac!  No allergies found yet, fingers crossed!  This girl gets it EVERYWHERE though, such a hot mess.

We had such a fun fall month!  We took Scarlett to her first Tulsa State Fair and Disney on Ice!  We got to see all the grandparents and even a drop in visit from the cousins!  We hit the parks and a pumpkin farm.  She handled it all well!  She's doing so good being drug around to the fun toddler things for Norah.

State Fair

Disney On Ice

Bike Ride

Cousin's during Fall Break

Sweet Scarlett finally starting saying "Mama!"  I love it so much.  She babbles, yells (because that's all she hears from her sister) and makes cute sounds all day.  She's cruising around and walks along side of things sometimes just hanging on with one hand.  She absolutely loves to just pull things off or knock things off any surface.  Her Dad calls her a destroyer, poor babe!  She's giving kisses on command and using "Milk and More" signs.  Her favorite things to place with are our cell phones, the remotes, vix container and Norah's ride along car.  She loves still when we sing to her and she loves being outside.

Scarlett said "Mama!"

Poor thing started getting car sick again this month.  It's so awful, we'll only be on the road for a few minutes and we'll hear her cough a few times then we know the vomit is coming.  Hopefully we can find our way back out of this phase soon because poor thing still has another year of rear facing.

This girl LOVES her sister.  The love they have for each other is just so damn magical.  I know it won't always be this way, but I'm soaking it up while it is.  Norah walks into her room every morning and sings our good morning song from heart to her (same one we have sung to her since she was a baby).  She plays rough at times with her, but her heart is always in the right place.  Scarlett in turn loves to see Norah.  That girl can make her smile better than Mama and Daddy!

Pictures from our last month!

Always in the dog's water!

Rooster hair

Poor babe woke up then fell back asleep sitting up!

I can't believe a year ago we were moving into our new home and I was counting down the weeks until baby arrived and Thanksgiving was here.  My how this year flew by.  We're enjoying our sweet baby for one more month!

Fall photos by Hazel and Haze Photography!