I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Scarlett Kay 2 Years Old

Our "baby" is officially TWO!  I can't believe we're into the two's with this one.  She's about 33 inches tall and 24.6lbs.  She's still measuring in the 20th percentile on height/weight but at least she's consistent!  She did have some fluid in her ears from what our ped could see, so like her sister, we're getting a referral to an ENT for some possible ear tubes.  We don't want it delaying her speech.  She's forward facing now and so far NO MORE CAR SICKNESS!  It was a LONG two year struggle with that, poor babe.

First and foremost, this girl LOVES her Mama.  My heart melts when she says "Ma-Ma!" She's always been my #1 fan and I love it.  Especially since her older sister is a complete Daddy's girl nowadays.  She follows me anywhere in the house, has to stand right between my legs every time I pee and is forever standing at my feet with her arms up saying "Uppy!" (Meaning up please!)  She always wants carried and I swear that's why she didn't walk until almost 18 months.

She's a great eater!  She'll try anything once.  Items that she loves that is really weird for a two year old: kale mixed salad and coleslaw.  Her favorites are: cheese, Ritz crackers, grapes, blueberries, waffles, yogurt, fruit pouches and WaWa (water).  She's not a huge fan of scrambled eggs or lunch meat.

She is at that age where she must have and do whatever her sister is doing.  She mimics her frustrated outburst sounds and body language.  It's both hilarious and cringe worthy.  Gone are the days where we could just give Norah a bite of a cookie and expect Scarlett not to notice!

This girl absolutely LOVES books.  When we escort them upstairs after dinner to wind down in the play room the first thing this girl visits are her piles and piles of books in her room.  She'll grab them one by one, sit, page through them then get up for another.  She'll do this nightly for about 30 minutes then go play with toys with Norah.  We love watching her.  Nightly she requires at least 3 books and she's very particular.  She'll shoo away books she doesn't favor and nestle into your lap for books she does.  It's so funny seeing her so opinionated about her literature.  Her absolute favorites are: Any llama llama short books, Good Night Moon, The Hungry Caterpillar, Big Bed for Giraffe, Baby's First Words and Brown Bear Brown Bear.

In addition to books she loves going outside, water play, baby dolls and dogs!  She really is an animal lover.  She loves our cats but they don't reciprocate too well.  She's into climbing on everything and testing all the boundaries with things she shouldn't be doing.  She loves wrestling with Norah and rolling all over the floor with her.  She loves dancing with her Daddy to the record player and all the spins that come with it.

She's not a huge fan of washing her hair at bath time, long car rides, eating dinner at the table alone, being left alone at all or swimming!

We love her pouty lip when she's sad, that she instantly cries anytime Norah tells her "No!", her contagious laugh, and her amazing open mouth smiles she learned from her sister and Mama.

We love our little "Scarley Harley" or "Lou Lou"!  I'm a little anxious to see her in a big sister role, but we'll all adjust.  We love her SO much and can't imagine our family without her.

Happy second birthday sweet Scarlett!

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

McBaby 3: 38 Weeks

This week is HUGE for me.  When I was pregnant with Norah, my water broke at 38 weeks 0 days.  When I was pregnant with Scarlett, due to my uterine incision thinning out I had my repeat c/s at 38 weeks 0 days.  I've literally NEVER been pregnant long than 38 weeks 0 days!  Every day this week I know I'm going to be on high alert and taking it as easy as I can!  And enjoying every extra day I get carrying this babe!

This is my LAST week to be pregnant, possibly ever!  I'm so excited and of course a little sad!  I love being pregnant.  My pregnancies are amazing and my body handles it really well.  In case you're wondering, we have NO idea if this is our last baby, but it always could be!  This week I'll be taking so many pictures, so I apologize in advance.

This week I went in for my last Brazilian wax!  I have my last OB check up!  Work my last 3 night shifts in a row before I'm off for 12 weeks!  AND hopefully celebrate our littlest turning the big TWO!  Very busy and eventful week to say the least.

Here's a few photos of what this little one has to come home to!  Baby isn't getting a nursery like the previous two for awhile, but we definitely will love him/her just the same.

Converted our dresser top to a changing table. 

Using the wooden bassinett next to our bed that my Grandpa Joe made for my brother and I with new flannel sheets my Grandma Jacque sewed. 

We can't wait to meet this little baby!!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

McBaby 3: 37 Weeks

Just two weeks ish away!  It's SO hard for me to move around at this point, but I'm making due!  This week I worked my 3 night shifts back to back and I was SO exhausted afterward.  I'm not sleeping well anymore because it's a huge ordeal for me to roll to the other side.  I wake up every 1.5-3 hours to rotate in bed and it's tiresome.  I'm up to 25lbs gained so far, seriously the least amount of weight I've ever gained with any of my babes.  Everyone at work thinks baby has seriously dropped over the last few weeks.  I agree because all of a sudden Mama has an appetite back!  Also I've been getting these lightening pains through my vagina when I walk a lot.  Ugh the joys of making a new life haha!  I haven't had my cervix checked yet, mostly out of fear that I'm already dilated.  I really want to try to make it to my scheduled c/s date if at all possible.  Ignorance is bliss at this point!

Everyone in public I encounter whether it be patients at work or strangers at the gym or grocery store asks me "What are you having?  When are you due?"  I really just want a tee shirt made at this point!  Strangers are so funny and peculiar when you're very pregnant.

This week I squeezed in 3 gym sessions!  I'm pretty proud of that at this point.  Just putting on my shoes is a struggle.  I love the looks I get when I waddle into the YMCA this pregnant.  I really should wear a Go Pro to capture all the stares.

This week we got our master bedroom all set up for him/her!  The bassinett is washed and set up, changing pad with D&W are all laid out and some onesies/burp clothes are folded in the top drawer!  We received a Hatch sound machine/lamp as a gift and we're really excited to use it!  I love that it's two in one machine and has a timer with preset settings.

Hospital bag is PACKED!  Outfits for both sexes are in plus comfy clothes for Mama.  I'm still working on clearing off my camera roll on my phone and nice camera.  Must make space for the new baby and all the pictures we'll take.  It's quite a process when I realized last week I haven't cleared off my phone camera roll IN A YEAR.  Oops!

Thank you notes are all sent out from our showers!  I have one more OB appointment next week then that's it!  I can't believe it!  I'm becoming SO excited each day to meet this baby.  I just can't believe we went from peeing on sticks in March to almost delivering this fast!  This pregnancy sped by.  I don't know how we pulled it together, but this Mama feels ready now!

Friday, November 8, 2019

McBaby 3: 36 Weeks

Hello November AKA BABY MONTH! We're down to the wire now and it's all getting too real so fast.  We're about 2-3 weeks from meeting this little human we've worked so hard to create, and we're SO excited!!  I still absolutely love that we have no idea the sex at this point.  Worth the wait for sure!

I'm having OB appts weekly now and everything is still going great!  No crazy complaints at this point.  This week I have my last chiropractor appointment, I believe this has helped tremendously throughout my pregnancy.  I typically go once every 2-4 weeks.

I'm still hitting the gym or CrossFit 2-4 days a week and just really trying to stay active where I can.  Even if it's just a 30 minute walk, then I'll take it at this point.  The stares I get at our local YMCA are pretty funny.  I had one guy tap my on the shoulder while I had headphones on and was climbing the stair climber to tell me, "You know they do water aerobics here, more your speed eh?"  Um thanks buddy.

These last two weeks we accomplished our last two milestones that I wanted to get through baby free.  First was Halloween!  Upon Norah's request, we all dressed up like characters from Aladdin then trick or treated at a shopping center event across our street. 

Secondly we got to celebrate our sweet Scarlett's birthday!  This whole having two kids with late November birthdays will throw us for a loop every year, but I didn't want Scarlett to get forgotten this year.  We celebrated about 3 weeks early, but worth it for this girl to have her own special party and lovings!  More on her party and birthday in a future blog!

These last few weeks we started throwing together our hospital bags and laying things aside for the big day.  Dad dug out the infant car seat, cleaned it and installed it in the van!  So surreal to see all three kid car seats lined up in a row.  This weekend we'll set up our room with the changing pad, bassinet, rocker and baby clothes.  THEN we'll just WAIT!  I can't believe we're almost to the birthday!  I also splurged this week and treated myself to a 1 hour massage.  It Was Heavenly!

My Mom came down to stay with us to allow the parents one more date night before baby!  We loved it!  We tried a fancy steakhouse for the first time, talked through the whole 2 hour dinner without any interruptions and ate our food as it came!  Such a treat haha.  Then we relaxed in recliners and saw The Joker in theater because who knows when the next time we'll actually hit a theater.  It was incredibly relaxing and just what we needed.

I'll try to update the ol' blog next week since we're down so close...you just never know when labor will kick in or my water will break!  Until next week!

Monday, October 28, 2019

McBaby 3: 34 Weeks

Such a big two weeks!  Baby is the size of a pineapple!  Baby is weighing around 5-6lbs and practicing breathing movements already.  This baby is moving ALL the time and I can't get enough.  I'm still feeling generally pretty solid.  My lower back has definitely started to ache a bit so I'm stretching a lot more and really taking the collagen.  I still only get round ligament pain at night but it goes away with walking.  I'm up to 21 pounds gained, so I'm really happy about that!

We had a very busy two weeks.  First we hit OSU Homecoming and Oktoberfest!  It was so much walking, but I just took a lot of breaks and tried to stay on top of the water.  We love this time of year!

We also had both showers (family and work) in one week.  The family shower was so much fun!  We did a taco theme because who doesn't love tacos and queso?  We received all the necessities we needed and then some.  We love getting our family and friends together in one place and are incredibly grateful for their generosity!

My awesome coworkers threw me a little pumpkin themed shower at work too.  We had SO much yummy food, pumpkin bundt cake and awesome gifts that rounded out our list of needs and again, then some!  We're so grateful for everything!

A few days ago we had our last ultrasound before baby is due!  This one determined really what week my c-section date would be scheduled.  The doctor mainly wanted my lower uterine segment ultrasounded to make sure the area where my old incision scar was wasn't thinning out like my last pregnancy.  To my surprise, everything checked out great!  My scar site isn't thinning and my cervical length is nice and long, and cervix closed!  They did measure baby about 1.5 weeks ahead (around 6.1 pounds already) so baby is measuring 84th percentile which really surprised us.  I typically grow pretty petite babies.  I'm also border lined too much fluid (polyhydraminos), so combine a big baby with extra fluid and no wonder my belly is this huge at 34 weeks!  The tech got a great shot of our little one's chubby face and of course, Dad's signature nose!

I finally got all the two older girl's clothes sorted, boxed and labeled.  Huge accomplishment!  We have the wooden bassinet my Grandpa made for me when I was a baby brought downstairs and just need to make space for it in our room.  Next weekend we'll get the infant car seat installed!  I don't know why, but that always is a reality hitter for me.  When I see the car seat in the car it means it's almost game time!  I'll also start setting things aside for my hospital bag next weekend.

I can't believe next week is November which means...BIRTH MONTH!  Also, we got our maternity pictures back, here are some of our favorites!