I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Friday, August 30, 2019

McBaby 3: 26 Weeks

My last week in the second trimester!  These last two weeks went great!  I'm still feeling great, no major complaints.  I have been having some nice BH contractions, but nothing alarming yet, just uncomfortable.  I LOVE all the kicks and movement, it's my favorite.  My BP is staying low and so far I've gained 15lbs!

I had another OB appt on Tuesday.  Baby sounds great, strong heart beat!  She scheduled my glucose test for GDM for this coming week, ugh.  I failed the 1 hour with Scarlett and had to sit through the 3 hour test.  Let's hope this doesn't get progressively worse with each pregnancy.  We also set a date for my repeat c-section!  We're not broadcasting it just yet, because I have a feeling it may get pushed back.  When we get closer we'll start letting people know.

I'm still CrossFitting 2-4 days a week and actually ran/walked a 5k today!  I only run small distances now, no long distance running goals anymore.  I nap almost daily.  No food aversions, but this week I craved donuts HARD.  I might have stopped twice in one week and I'm NOT a sweets person.  Thanks kid! 

We bought this cute little nesting pillow for baby and of course the big kids had to try it out first.  I can't wait to see the new baby snuggled up with these two crazies!

Two big events happened in the last two weeks.  First, our first baby started Pre-K!  She was so excited she hardly slept the night before.  We think she likes it so far.  Honestly, we're still in shock a little bit!

Secondly we spent all of two days sorting through boxes we hadn't opened in two years, making Goodwill piles, filling up two trash cans, hanging degrees and shadow boxes and moving in/out furniture to FINALLY having a working, clean, beautiful office!!  I can't believe the two car loads to Goodwill + two trash cans we took out of that one room.  We feel so much lighter!  We also have room to set up a crib if need be in case Miss Scarlett isn't ready to share with Norah quite yet.  Such a weight off our shoulders.  We also ate at all our favorite restaurants in QUIET, added a fun date night and squeezed in a hour hike at Turkey Mountain.

Now looking toward the 12ish weeks we have left of what could be our last pregnancy!  September will bring my glucose testing, hopefully buying a van to fit our new family of FIVE, OB appts every two weeks now and entering in the 3rd trimester! 

Saturday, August 17, 2019

McBaby 3: 24 Weeks

Big week for our little baby!  As a L&D nurse, 24 weeks means the difference between life and death.  At 24 weeks of gestation a baby has a chance at survival if born early.  We definitely don't want a 24 weeker, but it's so nice to breathe that huge sigh of relief knowing that if something happened, this baby has a chance now at life.

Updates!  I'm still doing pretty good.  The round ligament pain has let up a bit these last two weeks.  The hemorrhoids though...ugh.  You think being a c-section Mama and not having to push I could avoid them but due to the increased pressure of baby, increased blood supply, etc....I still get them.  I'm already feeling Braxton Hicks contractions, but nothing painful or too close together.  

I finally felt baby move!  And baby hasn't stopped since.  We can feel her on the outside now too.  Daddy and Norah love putting their hand up to feel the kicks.  That feeling never gets old.

I'm still doing CrossFit 2-4 times a week with a few trips to the YMCA too.  No more long distance runs so instead I'm killing myself on the elliptical or stair climber for some cardio.

No crazy food cravings or aversions!  I'm back to eating/drinking my old favorites.  It is hard limiting my caffeine intake though, especially during the night shifts at work.

Speaking of work, my patients ask me all the time (now that I'm for sure showing) "How do you handle being pregnant and working nights?"  Honestly it's not as horrible as one would think.  The biggest change I've noticed is I've become a hard core napper.  When I'm not pregnant I don't nap.  I don't nap with newborns, I don't nap ever.  But working nights I have to nap at least one day a week, plus being pregnant on top of that I find myself napping EVERY DAY.  I feel lazy sometimes, but I remind myself I'm doing some big work growing a tiny perfect human, so I try to give myself some grace.

I should have my glucose test coming up in the next month.  Also in September we should be scheduling the big date for baby day!  We can't wait to meet this little girl or boy!