No big changes this week. My back pain is starting to increase pretty drastically. I have to make myself sit down and take breaks a lot more than I'm used to. I can't just clean the house for hours straight anymore! The bending over and picking up toys has already been pretty taxing as well. I'm still having occasional BH contractions but nothing out of hand. As far as supplements goes, I'm taking collagen powder daily to keep away the round ligament pain, a stool softener so that I don't get constipation or worse hemorrhoid's, a prenatal vitamin, a pre/probiotic for digestive benefits and vitamin D because night shift sucks. I'm not sleeping very well lately. I have been waking up every time I have to roll over which is about every 2 hours. Yuck. Last week I did get in 4 workouts in one week! I'm proud that I have remained pretty active so far despite the kids, working nights and my belly getting so big so fast.
Baby is about the size of a VHS tape and weighing about 2 pounds. The baby is so active, but especially at night. When I'm working nights I can feel baby move and kick every hour almost. Next OB appointment next week and I think I start going every 2 weeks after this one.
Norah's closet construction is all finished and we are looking at ordering bunk beds next! I really want to shift everyone's rooms soon before I get more uncomfortable and larger. The new crib has shipped finally but probably won't be here for another month. We put together an Amazon registry, but I don't think we're having any baby showers this go around, except for my work one. We'll see!
I'm really trying to soak it all in, take all the bump pictures and pictures of the kids excitement. It's going way to fast.