I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

I'm 25

I turned 25 years old on January 6th. As I see it, about a quarter of my life has been lived so far. Thus far, I have very little complaints.
-          - Graduated high school
-         -  Graduated college
-         -  Married to my best friend
-         -  Visited 8 countries
-         -  Built up a good savings and established in a steady budget
-          - Lived in 3 states
-         -  Commissioned into the AF as a 2Lt
-        -   Started my “Big girl job”
-          - No kids yet

Turning 25 has really got me thinking about what I want out of the next quarter of my life. Two big items stick out the most. Kids and a career I love. Kids will come when the time’s ready. My husband and I are firm believers in not rushing that chapter. We believe that it’s essential to take time at this age and point in a marriage to live life together and enjoy each other only as a husband and wife. It establishes you as a couple and really sets the tone for the rest of your lives together. We’ll know when that time comes and until then travel, save money and experience life as “newlyweds”.

The second item on the list I've been contemplating a lot lately is what I want out of a career. I’m currently an officer in the USAF and they own me until April 15, 2016. At that point in time I’ll be 28 and that’s the time that we as a family will evaluate our options and make a very big decision. We will either continue a life in the military or decide to pursue life as civilians. I've only been in the AF for 9 months and already civilian life intimidates me. There are many pros to being in the military and of course cons. Some of the pros are:
-          - Cheap healthcare for you and your family
-          - Paid rent
-         -  Discounted food, car insurance
-         -  And the BIGGY, retirement after 20 years of service

I admit it’s one helluva deal. One thing to think about is our time on earth is so short. My next 75 years will go by quicker than I’d like. I will not do something for a quarter of my life if my heart isn’t in it. It just isn’t worth my happiness and time. Luckily, I have an amazing support system. My husband has always been supportive of all my ideas and random thoughts, no matter how crazy at the time they may be.

It has always been a dream of mine to attend Physician’s Assistant school. In 10th grade, my chemistry teacher was asked by a fellow classmate, “ How do you know what to study in college?” I’ll never forget her reply. “Imagine yourself as a millionaire. You never have to work a day in your life ever again. But you’re only 18 years old. You don’t just want to sit in a mansion all day doing nothing. What would you do if money, age, timing and opportunity weren't an issue?” Well that’s when I knew I wanted to be a PA. I find the human body so fascinating, and I’d love the chance to help and heal people. The AF does have a PA program, and just within the last 6 months, have elected to allow officers to apply to the program too. The program used to only be limited to enlisted personnel.

In conclusion, turning 25 has really got my wheels spinning about what I want out of life. I know what the next 3 years has in store for me, but after that it’s up to me. It’ll be a big fork in our life as a family, but I have such great faith that we’ll make the right decision. I hope that if you’re reading this, that it makes you pause and think about the next 20-30 years of your life. What do you want out of your life? What are your goals? What makes you happy? Who makes you happy? I definitely don’t know our life plan, but I know that I’ll be happy living it with the choices we’ll make. That’s all I could ask for, to wake up every day and be in-love with my life. These next 25 years will be my favorite for sure!


  1. Those are some pretty fantastic accomplishments! Yay for PA opportunities! I thought I knew what I wanted to do but that seems to be changing. I know what areas I'm passionate in but I think I'm changing interest in careers somewhat. But I think that's ok or else I would get so bored doing the same thing forever.

    I loved being a L&D nurse and I love learning about pregnancy and birth but I think I feel like I'm somewhat limited in how I have to practice. It's not easy working as an L&D nurse in a hospital setting when you strongly believe many of the policies you must follow are not exactly evidence-based. It's completely frustrating! I've thought about midwifery after my kids are in school. That area is really a life commitment...not just career commitment so I want my kids to be a bit more self-sufficient.

    I love being a stay at home mom for the time being but there are plenty of days I wish I could find something that would allow me to be a stay at home mom and have some sort of feeling of having a career elsewhere. I've though about becoming a doula, teaching childbirth classes, lactation consultant, etc. We will see. I've dreamed of being able to have an online childbirth class, kind of a skype type thing. That way you are getting class type instruction but don't have to leave your house or find a babysitter. I might have to recruit my software engineering husband for that dream.

    I'm completely happy where I am but I will never stop dreaming of doing other things.

    1. Ah that's awesome! You'd be wonderful at it! I know when the time comes that Kit and I get pregnant that I'll def be hitting you up for advice! I love the midwife idea. I think you'd be perfect for it and since you've birthed via midwife but worked in a hospital you have the benefit of seeing both sides! I think that we should never stop dreaming of other things...keeps us fresh :)

  2. You will make a great PA someday! Until then enjoy the benefits of military life! I'm constantly thinking of things I'd like to do with my life. Definitely looking forward to being a stay at home mom, it's been a dream I've had almost my whole life. After this chapter though, I dream about getting my own classroom and would love to start up a nonprofit youth center. A place where kids can go for entertainment, homework help, and counseling if they need it. The place Elle and I worked at in college is an atmosphere I would do anything to be a part of again. But to make it nonprofit would be a challenge! Gotta keep dreaming though!
