If you've been reading some of my blogs, you know by now that I'm a runner. Not a week goes by that I don't lace up the ol' sneaks and pound pavement. Could be a couple miles...could be 10 miles. I don't do it just because it helps me lose weight. I do it because I enjoy it. I actually love running.
When I'm running I get to pick what I'm listening to, whether it be my favorite songs, an interesting book or just the sound of my own two feet. I don't have to...have my hair up in a regulation bun, wear make-up, wear issued camo with heavy boots, depend on someone else to run, please anyone else, take orders, give orders, make my loved ones happy, or spend bookoo bucks to do it. It takes me, running shoes, spandex and a nice trail and I'm happy. I'm free. I'm healthy. I'm happy.
With all that said, I like to participate in races. It gives me an opportunity to push myself and earn some cool tees and medals. Here's my running wish list for the next 7 months!
Oct 20, Apalachicola FL - 50k (31.7 miles)
This will be the farthest I've ever ran before. Luckily I have a four month training plan to follow so I hope I'm prepared enough!
Nov 28, Seaside FL - 10k Turkey Trot
My husband and I did our first Thanksgiving Day run with his parents and Zeus in 2011 and we loved it! Last year I was alone here, so I didn't feel much like doing anything. This year we'll be ready to reignite this tradition!
Jan 12 or Feb 23, Disney World- Full marathon or Half marathon
This particular race has been on our bucket list for a couple years, since we started running together in college. Who wouldn't want to run through Disney World at night with no crowds or kids? It was always a distant dream because of the cost of the race, plane ticket expense, etc...The price will not be pleasant but we only have this opportunity once. We're only in Florida for 2 more years and actually live within driving distance of Orlando FL and my husband has close family that live nearby. We plan to seize the moment and take advantage of the time we have while we have it. When it Rome...
When in Rome indeed :) excited to see your stats for all of these races