First one, this day marks 9 full months that we've been apart. We've been separated long enough to make a human! Crazy! This is by far the longest time we've gone without seeing each other. Hopefully the end is near. He's tired, worn out, burned out and ready to start life up in a new place with a new job. Speaking of new job...he signed up for Troops to Teachers.
Troops to Teachers is a U.S. Department of Defense program that helps eligible military personnel begin a new career as teachers in public schools where their skills, knowledge and experience are most needed.
I'm super excited for him. This is in the works in case he doesn't get accepted into law school. I want with everything, him to have a career he loves. He deserves it. His dad was also a teacher, now superintendent so I guess you could potentially say, "Like father like son". Either way, I know whatever path lay ahead, he'll for sure be amazing at what he does.
Secondly, this day marks 5 full years since our "second" first date. Five years! I sure do love this man and the last five years have been remarkable. We'll have to celebrate a little late, but happy 5 years together! As we like to say, the best is yet to come!
The photos here are all from those first couple months together back in the fall of 2008!
First picture together ever! |
First OSU fb game! |
Crazy how time flies. Almost there doll. Miss you both.