I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Norah's First Thanksgiving

Norah's first Thanksgiving was nothing short of wonderful.  First, her handsome Daddy flew in a few days before which made the holiday feel whole.  That first day we finally let Norah June have her first bite of spinach, zucchini and peas.  Mmmmmm!

Dad's Home!

First bite

On Thanksgiving Eve I worked until noon, so Daddy got some pretty awesome one-on-one time with Norah which is pretty rare these days.  Afterwards we went for a hike to try out Aunt Brie's gift since Norah is finally big enough and strong enough for it.

This kid sleeps anywhere.

The pack was awesome and offered great support.  It felt like our packs we took around Europe!  We think she loved it, and even caught some zzzzz's.

Finally Turkey Day!

We started the day off EARLY with our traditional turkey trot!  We started this in 2012 when we lived with my in-laws and have done it every year since.  It's our favorite and the weather is usually pretty awesome.

Daddy gave Norah his bib!

Liz and I

A family that runs together, sweats together!

She slept like this through the WHOLE race

Yay we Did It!

Big 10K medal!

Breakfast earned.

Then came the cooking, waiting and finally Thanksgiving Day dinner!

We chose to make our mashed potatoes from SCRATCH this year. OMG.

Norah couldn't wait for the real food LOL

Let's Eat!

TG Meal!

Every year we always take a few nice photos together because it's a holiday, and I never can have us together enough.  So we celebrate!

First family photo with Zeus!

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Cutest turkey I ever did see.

We ate, played, looked at black friday ads and napped.


Sleepy Norah and Mommy

One of my most favorite Thanksgivings yet.  The holidays are definitely more magical and feel more complete with our sweet daughter around to make memories with.

Happy First Thanksgiving Norah June!

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