I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

17 Weeks: Month 5

We made it to the beginning of month FIVE, wow!  This is really going by so much quicker than my first pregnancy.  I expected it to with all we have going on this time around, but it still amazes me.

Becky Look At Her Bump!

We're almost halfway, and I so excited!  In a few weeks we have our big fetal scan where they take about a hour and check out baby with a very detailed ultrasound scan.  Hopefully she's coming along just as expected.

Good news for Mama, the fatigue is finally getting better!  It doesn't help that a few weeks ago I started 12 hour clinical shifts at the hospital, but after my first week adjusting to that I'm slowly getting my stamina back again.

Big sister loves little sister's things!

I'm still exercising 3-5 times a week!  I lose my breathe a lot quicker than before and now require many more breaks.  I'm still breaking a sweat and lifting heavy weight, so I'm happy.

I started seeing a chiropractor last month because when I woke up my back would just be so achy despite all the pillows and support I'd have in bed.  It's helping already and I've only been twice.  I love having one close by this time.  In Panama City it was a 45 minute drive away!  I've already been experiencing round ligament pinches and pain too.  Also orthostatic hypotension is sneaking up on me a few times, so I'm trying to get up slower to ease that.

Father's Day

Splash Pad Day

I haven't felt her move yet, but I'm ready for it any day!  The bump definitely decided to make it's appearance sooner with this pregnancy and I knew it would.  I'm hoping since it's my second that I carry a little bit lower than I did with Norah.  Much easier on the lung capacity that way.

1st Pregnancy VS 2nd Pregnancy (16 Weeks)

Here are some recent pictures of Miss Scarlett!

"Working" in Labor and Delivery while pregnant has it's perks ;)

Here are some additional bump date pictures of Mama.  I'm really trying to keep up this time.

14 Weeks

We did start to purchase a few things for baby!  I wanted the same baby book as we had for Norah, so we got them matching ones.  We've already started filling it out!  It's our favorite memento, and I'm excited to keep this up for Scarlett.  The second kid often gets the shaft on those types of things, but we're trying hard to have some keepsakes for her and things that are only hers.

Head start on the baby book

Crib bedding we've purchased!

Got to love Target <3

I'm looking forward to school being over in less than a month, our babymoon to California coming up and finally taking my boards so that I can focus on myself, Norah and Miss Scarlett for awhile!

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