I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

23 Weeks: Scarlett Kay

Almost a month past our halfway point and baby and I are still growing right along.  We had our big anatomy scan a few weeks ago and everything checked out great!  She's in the 50th percentile for size so she's perfectly average.  One thing we noticed right away from our pictures was her NOSE!  It's a perfect match to her sister's ultrasound and it's the classic Daddy nose.  So funny!  We have a feeling these two are going to be twins earth side.

Last week I FINALLY graduated nursing school!  I can't believe I did it!  So my bump buddy and I had to get one last school photo!

Then the husband and I jetted off to California for a wonderful 4 day kid-free babymoon.  We loved sleeping in, long conversations at dinner and beach time but we talked about our little love the entire time.  We were so excited to get back to her!

Bump and I biked to breakfast!

Hiked 3 miles!

My selfie is changing all the time

Now my husband has started his big boy job at a local law firm in town and I'm studying for the next month for my nursing boards.  We are still trying to squeeze in weekend fun trips with our girl.

Blue Hole Park

Gilcrease Museum

Thus far (knock on wood), I'm still feeling great!  I haven't noticed really any big changes except it takes me longer to clean and do chores.  I'm not as quick as I used to be!  I'm still sleeping pretty well.  Only waking up once a night to pee, score!  The horseshoe pillow has really been a lifesaver.  I'm seeing a chiropractor once a month and I'm hoping it keeps that awful back pain I had with Norah at bay.  I'm still at CrossFit 3-4 times a week and running once a week on my own.  I'm feeling the good ol' Braxton Hicks contractions at least once a day, but they're pretty infrequent and not painful so I don't mind.  Still no nausea or vomiting yet!  I'm back to really no food aversions, so that's been nice.  I'm really hoping my body holds up this way throughout.

I've been hitting the thrift stores pretty hard lately and have been scoring some really good maternity shirts/nursing clothes.  Seriously, not many maternity clothes I own are brand new!  I've been lucky with picking up a few things here and there for Scarlett too.  I have to stock up on "little sister" onesies!  We started a small gift registry on Amazon, but really our list is so much more smaller and focused this time around.

Now that school and our babymoon are past us I can finally start working in my list of things to do before baby comes!  The nesting mode has really hit me hard this week for some odd reason.  All of a sudden I really want to de-clutter and organize!  I have to put in 4-5 hours a day studying, but I'm hoping to still work a few hours (or at least one) going through all of Norah's clothes, organizing them and slowly getting around to all the closets and cluttered rooms.  It's so funny how a one pound little girl makes me want to completely toss my house upside down!  By Mama's estimates I have about 15 weeks left and I'm sure I'll need every week.

She loved this "baby bed". Trying to set up Scarlett's space in our room but Norah has other plans!

Our old fashioned doppler

I know these next 15 weeks are going to fly by.  I'm both so excited and sad all at the same time.  I can say with confidence we're loving life right now with all these new changes just around the bend and enjoying what's left of our time as a family of three <3

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