I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

34 Weeks: Scarlett Kay

About ONE month to go!  I just can't believe it.

This week we're making all the arrangements with utilities, housekeepers and such to get everything ready for our BIG move next week!  This past weekend we kept Norah home with us and enjoyed her time before the next 3-4 weekends get crazy with the move.  We went to the Farmer's Market, Oktoberfest, pumpkin patch and even let her stay up past her bedtime a few nights.  She's just so much fun and we're really trying to soak up quality time with her while we can.

I had my ultrasound at the high risk doctor done today to check out baby and my fluid levels.  Baby is the perfect size and no extra fluid!  But I did find out my lower uterine segment is rather thin.  Meaning the part of my uterus that the baby's head is against is pretty thinned out.  The biggest risk from that is a uterine rupture if labor gets to crazy, that thin area could tear and Mama can hemorrhage.  So what now?  The high risk doctor suggested no sex or CrossFit from here on out as to avoid early labor (BOO!) and moving up my c-section scheduled date by a week (38 weeks instead of 39 weeks) to avoid me spontaneously going into labor on my own and putting unnecessary stress on my uterine wall with contractions.

First, we definitely expected her to come on her own right at 38 weeks like her sister, so the date is fine with us.  I also have been really harboring guilt about not being able to attempt a VBAC.  I called all the doctors my insurance would accept and no one would agree to a VBAC.  Now armed with this knowledge, I asked the high risk doc about my first desire on wanting a VBAC and with the new news about my uterus how that would have played out.  He said I for sure am NOT a good candidate for it given that healthy uteruses often rupture during a VBAC.  It really made me feel 100% better about sticking with our c-section.  Much safer for Mama.  Next week I have another check up with my regular OB, so I anticipate a new birth date to be scheduled!!

Her sister's twin and still sporting her Dada's nose!  

My husband scheduled me my first prenatal massage with this pregnancy.  It was life-changing.  I forget how great it feels to put your huge tummy through that hole in the massage bed and have a professional rub your achy lower back for a hour.  Whew, it's heavenly.  Thanks love!!

I got us pre-registered at the hospital and went and got my flu shot/DTAP shot this week too.  I'd love to make a few freezer meals once we're settled in at the new place, but I think my energy will be better spent unpacking and getting us settled as much as possible instead.  If anyone wants to help our family out with the new baby, a housekeeper and healthy dinner meals would be FANTASTIC!!


1 comment:

  1. We will DEFINITELY come help out! Can’t wait to meet her!
