I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Monday, July 8, 2019

McBaby 3: 18 Weeks

We're one week away from being about halfway for this pregnancy!  EEEKKK!!  My to do list needs to start getting serious!  This week we have our big anatomy ultrasound!  Fingers crossed my placenta, baby, old incision site all are holding up well.

This last week I've finally started feeling more like myself.  I am back to drinking coffee in the morning again!  That and meat were my biggest aversions this pregnancy.  I am still drinking all the green tea and of course it's watermelon season!  Just like previous pregnancies, no nausea or heartburn but the round ligament pain is real. Other than that I'm feeling great!

Scarlett definitely isn't noticing anything different, but Norah for sure is!  Every day she comes down in the morning and asks how the baby is growing.  I always say it's getting bigger and bigger!  She kisses and pats my belly.  It melts me.  When she was 2, and I was pregnant with Scarlett she didn't know really what was happening to Mama.  This go around she does, and it's so much more special.  She loves being involved.  She just told me this morning she wants to go shopping for the new baby some clothes.

She got to go with me to my last OB appt, see the baby in ultrasound and hear the heartbeat.  She loved that!

I'm still working out 2-4 days a week depending on my night shift schedule.  I'm done with the long distance running already.  That round ligament pain in a b*tch this third time around!  I've already busted out the bump support belt.  Instead I'm doing small distance runs and 2-3 mile long fast walks!  I'm still lifting/CrossFit too but of course scaling the weight and movements down tremendously.  

We created a small registry if people want to buy us anything for the new baby.  It never hurts to start early!  We're just sticking with Amazon this go around.

We definitely need a bassinett, diapers/wipes, breastfeeding/bottle supplies and a few odds and ends still to buy.  Next month we're shipping the kids off to Nana and Pops for a weekend and finally after almost two years in the house, tackling the office!  Thus far it's been a junk/computer/storage room but we're finally getting everything hung up, storage and a desk built and the room finished!  We'd like to save a corner for baby too if Scarlett isn't quite ready to vacate her crib upstairs yet.  After that is finished, we'll feel a lot better about welcoming the baby home.

This is flying by so fast.  I hope I can keep up with pictures and making little notes for this third one!  <3

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