Today is my fuzzy four-legged child's 3rd birthday! Let me tell you how he came into our lives three years ago....
Three years ago, I was flying back to Oklahoma from Alabama. I hadn't seen my husband in five weeks, and this was the first time we were apart for that long. I was at my Air Force "boot camp" or field training. We had only been allowed to write letters, so I was so excited to see my fiance! I head down to baggage claim at Will Roger's Airport to collect my gear. Then around the corner comes my sweet fiance, with this ball of golden fur in his arms....
Previously before I had left, we had lightly discussed buying our first pet together. He was pretty hesitant due to our hectic school/work schedules, but I was totally game. Apparently that first weekend that I was gone he and his best friend Brie went to a Golden Retriever puppy breeder and picked out our baby Zeus. Lucky for me by the time I was surprised with the little guy, he was already potty trained and into a sleep schedule!
Zeus is by FAR my most treasured gift my husband has ever given me. To say that I love my dog is a giant understatement. He goes where we go, lives where we live, and is very much a member of our little family. He's the first living creature we ever raised as a couple, and that is truly "golden". Happy 3rd Birthday Zeus August Bear McVay!
Zeus enjoying his tasty birthday treat! |