I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Doesn't Get Easier

When I was growing up, my parents rarely went on business trips or such things where they couldn't go together. I was raised in a family where if one goes, we all go. When I started dating my husband (almost 4 years ago), it brought new challenges. He had drill and various other military training to go to throughout the year that I couldn't come to. I could handle it. A weekend out of the month was nice, because absence makes the heart grow fonder! We embraced it and always celebrated the Sunday nights when he would return.

I am very independent, almost to a fault. I can go into self-operate mode with ease, but this doesn't mean that I don't need my husband in my life every moment that I can get. He's my best friend, secret-keeper, and other half of my soul. When he's not here with me the house just feels wrong and empty. I'm writing this because over the next couple of months, he will be gone for various weeks at a time. I always thought over time I would acclimate. Hoped that I would get used to seeing the bags packed and the prepped uniform hanging on the door. I haven't and it doesn't. I'm beginning to understand that maybe it's always meant to hurt. If it didn't, then maybe things aren't working properly in a marriage like they should. Luckily, I have really great friends here to keep me busy and a work schedule that a workaholic would envy. On a positive note, Zeus always gets more attention during these times and coincidentally so does the laundry! Even though I find myself swallowing that dreaded lump in my throat every time, it feels better to have someone to love and to be loved in return. Also, numerous homecomings just give us more excuses to celebrate!


  1. I agree. It doesn't ever get easier to see them leave. Whether its drill, tdys, or a deployment. But I think our marriages have an advantage here. Not every couple has the opportunity to miss their spouse and therefore not take a single day for granted. It still sucks when they're gone but I'm very grateful for this positive aspect. Not a single day goes by that I don't feel grateful for having my husband and having him with me ( when he is actually with me). You guys will undoubtedly make it through all this unscathed and probably closer than you would be if you didn't have to ensure this. You are both loved and you know where to look if you need anything ;)

  2. Almost 29 years and I DO NOT like Craig to go without me and cannot wait until he returns. I hope non of us every loses that feeling!
