I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The List Has Arrived

We have been waiting for this day for a LONG time. We finally received the list of potential places we'll be stationed to for the next 2-3 years. We will submit our top 20 preferences, and then wait to find out where our first (semi) permanent home will be! This next move means many things to us. It's where we can finally decorate and nest (haven't really had the chance since we've been married), where hopefully we'll have our first child at :-) , and a place we can finally call "home". We've been married almost 3 years, and lived in 4 different locations. We feel like we have just started the "adult" phase of our marriage, so moving into a home where we'll be at for more than 12 months will be a new experience all on it's own. Bring on the decorating, furniture buying, and memory-making. We're beyond excited for this next adventure! Here's our preference list ranked first choice to last choice:

1. Florida
2. Korea
3. Hawaii
4. California
5. Virginia
6. Colorado
7. Texas
8. Germany
9. Germany
10. Korea
11. Florida
12. Overseas Deployment
13. North Carolina
14. Ohio
15. Louisiana
16. Illinois
17. Montana
18. South Dakota
19. Arizona
20. Nebraska

I know you may look at these and think "What were they thinking!?" BUT we made our best decision based on the job, NOT just location. I will be doing this job for 2-3 years and that's a long time to be unhappy and stressed out. Thankfully I have a wonderfully understanding husband who AGAIN put his wants aside and based it off of job duties (not which cities have MLB teams....) , and not just location. Overall, what good is an amazing place if you're working 6 days a week/12 hours a day and always upset? Not a good situation....

We find out the evening of Friday, August 3! Wish The McVays luck!


  1. Good luck!! Hope you guys get exactly what you want! And that we can come visit! :)

  2. Ha ha not based on MLB team locations? What? Hey spring training in Florida is good! I hope you get the exact best fit for the two of you!
