I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Hazel Faye: 4 Months

Hazel is 1/3 closer to that first year being over!  I love seeing her personality blossom now.

Weight/Length: 12.10 lbs and 24 inches long

Diaper: Size 1

Clothing: 3 Months, 3-6 Months

Eating: Breastfeeding only, 5-7 times a day with bottles at daycare

Sleeping: Started waking up at night when she would weasel out of her swaddle, naps 2-3 times a day but for only 45 min-1 hour

Hazel is so bright eyed and smiley these days!  We love her open mouth smiles and almost giggling!  She can roll over from her back to tummy but not quite tummy to back yet.  She's holding up her head now for minutes at a time.  She loves the pull to sit then stand game!  She's playing with new sounds with her mouth, blowing bubbles and found her hands!  She's a self soother big time by chewing her hands.

Only rolls over when she's really mad!

She loves it when her sisters lay down next to her and talk to her.  She loves walking around the house.  She's still a big fan of bath time and we always get smiles during diaper changes.

She's not a huge fan of being worn (working on winning her over!).  She's not too keen on being outside because it's so bright for our little indoor winter babe.  She doesn't like her car seat, but who really does?

This month we celebrated her first St Patrick's Day!  And have been adjusting to life in quarantine.  More on how that's affecting our lives later.

She's still nursing great and taking bottles at daycare when necessary.  The pediatrician said we can start introducing solids with fat mixed in to get her weight back up (dropped from 50% to 25% on this last check up), but I'm a big proponent on waiting to start solids until 6 months, so we'll do another weight check in a month and reassess.

Pudgy nursling hands

This month she went through a two week period where she was waking up every 3 hours!! Ugh.  I would nurse her back to sleep, then 3 hours later she'd wiggle an arm out (we still swaddle her at night) and wake herself up again.  These last few nights she's been better, but man.  Rough times when she doesn't want to sleep well.  She's still in our wooden cradle in our room for now.  We could move her to the office, but just haven't yet.  She still can't officially move into her room because Scarlett is still in there.

New swaddle that's roll approved!

Right now we're focusing on getting in that tummy time, trying to get her outside more and keeping ALL our ladies germ free as much as we can for now.  This next month we'll celebrate Dad's birthday and her first Easter!

Here's some sweet photos of our sweet Hazel over this last month!

Loves "Super Baby" !

Because Mama can never pee alone these days

I LOVE her open mouth smiles


With three kids...this is few and far between 

"Can I hold the baby?"

Ugh my heart

Hands are life right now

At the ped's for her wellness check!

She LOVES looking in the mirror

Always my CrossFit buddy

Not a huge fan of the ergo but we're trying!