I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Friday, September 27, 2019

McBaby 3: 30 Weeks

We're officially out of the 20's and in the 30's!  We are around 8-9 weeks out, time is really just going by so fast!

Last week I worked my one weekend a month and Kit was able to bring the kids up to visit.  While they were there we had the opportunity to get a quick peek at our littlest McVay!  The kids wanted their bellies ultra sounded too, so funny!  We got to see the little face/head, feet/legs and little hand opening and closing!  Norah asked if it was going to scratch it's way out.  LOL

I'm still feeling mostly pretty good.  These last few days I was cramping pretty bad, but not sure it if was constipation, gas or baby stuff.  Also the round ligament pain has had me up every two hours a few nights a week.  Luckily I can walk around for a few minutes and it goes away, but it's throwing a real kink in my sleep.  Also as I type now, it's 0345 in the morning because insomnia has hit me again.  UGH.  I did wake up a few days ago thinking I would have to go into the Labor and Delivery Triage department because I was contracting every 2-3 minutes, so much that it woke me up at 0500 on a Saturday morning.  I drank a lot of water, took Tylenol and rested and they spaced out.  This Mama does not have time for that on a busy Saturday morning!

I'm still working out/doing CrossFit 2-4 days a week.  It's definitely becoming harder to get motivated as the weeks go on.  It's often a toss up between sleep or working out and I often choose sleeping these days!  I had my last run on Riverside last week.  My body did it, but didn't like it much afterwards, so strictly speed walking for me until January.

This week I ordered a few things for my hospital bag!  It's been so weird and hard not being able to buy swaddles, clothes and personalized items for the new baby.  My husband says we've saved so much money so far because of our decision not to find out the gender, so funny and true!  I'm slowly putting things aside for my hospital bag and a few gender neutral items for baby.

Last swim day!

Last week I started sorting through the dreaded clothing boxes.  I got about half way done and needed a break, so hopefully I can finish this week or next.  It's getting really hard for me to bend over and sit on the floor for extended periods of time so the sooner the better on getting all these tasks finished!

We have a little party planned to celebrate this new one of ours and invitations are sent out!  We can't wait to have everyone over to celebrate.  Plus, it's taco themed...and I'm always craving tacos and queso!

We're still in shock we're counting down now in single digit weeks already.  We can't WAIT to find out who this little one is in just two months.  And we STILL have no final boy name! Haha

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

McBaby 3: 28 Weeks

Someone isn't excited for her time as the baby to come to an end!

Hello third trimester!  We made it to the last stretch!  Baby is as big as a coconut and coming in at around 1.5-2.5 pounds.  Baby moves and kicks so much these days!  I'm having strong BH contractions but still nothing worrisome at this point.  I'm having insomnia when I flip back to sleeping at night sometimes.  Really not a funny joke for someone who is pregnant with two kids working night shift!  I just love waking up and being wide awake at 4am, NOT!  My energy took a hit this week.  I don't know if baby is going through a growth spurt or if this third baby is just taking a tole on me finally.  I've gained 17.5lbs so far so I'm super happy with that!  Every pregnancy I fear it will be the one I gain an insane amount of weight, but with decently watching what I eat and exercising 2-4 times a week I've done pretty well so far.  It helps so much too to have a solid foundation and healthy lifestyle to start with. 

Sun Out Bump Out

Last week I failed my 1 hour GTT test by about 32 points, yikes!  Yesterday I sat in the lab office for 3 hours and did the 3 hour GTT test.  For those who haven't had the lovely experience let me explain the process!  First you have to be fasting since midnight the day before, then that morning the lab takes an initial fasting blood draw.  After that they make you drink a little bottle of koolaid with 100g of sugar versus the 50g of sugar you drink with your 1 hour test in 5 minutes.  After the initial they take a one hour, two hour and three hour blood draw.  If you fail more than one reading then you're diagnosed with gestational diabetes and by fail I mean if your blood sugar reading is too high either with the fasting or the hourly checks.  Thankfully I was only high on my two hour check, so I passed!! Whew!

1 Hour Drink

We have about 10-11 weeks until baby arrives and we're still cranking out our to-do list.  We went through all the kid's toys/playroom last week and donated ANOTHER van full of boxes to Goodwill.  I just can't believe how quickly the boxes can fill up!  Another item down!  Next, is sorting and shrinking our girl's clothes we have piled up.  Since having two girls, we have way too many clothes for each size until 4T so we need to prioritize and dwindle down our stash so that it all fits in one storage closet.  After that...the only thing left to do is pack that hospital bag!!!

This week we did check another huge item off our list...finally made the plunge and bought a new baby hauler!  We became a van family!  We bought a Honda Odyssey and she's a beauty!  She has way too much technolody, bells and whistles for us but we're slowly figuring it out each week.  Norah was probably the most excited.  She's only asked to sleep in it 5 times.  I can't wait to see the baby seat all snugged up in the middle!

We are also still on the fence about cord blood banking.  The biggest draw back is that it's pricey (of course).  Depending on what company you use, it's about a $1,000-$1,500 initial fee then around $300-$600 year storage fee for 10-12 years (after that the cells aren't typically useful from what we've read).  This baby very well could be our last, so if we were to ever take advantage of it now would be the baby.  We can use the stem cells for siblings as well (as long as the parents are the same).  Decisions Decisions Decisions!

Another two weeks down, about 10 to go!

Still working full time nights!  Strong enough to grow AND deliver babies!