I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Sunday, April 17, 2022

Baby #4: 30 Weeks


10 WEEKS TO GO!  I can't believe it.  These last two weeks were pretty busy for us!  First, baby is now the size of a large head of cabbage or a bike helmet!  Baby weighs about 3lbs already and over 15 inches long.  These last two weeks my mom and Kit's mom got to feel the baby move and have hiccups!  We are feeling so much movement all the time.  I seriously can't get enough. 

As far as Mama goes, whew these last two weeks have been....painful.  Last week I had a really bad incident of hemorrhoid's that happened of course during my two night shifts at the hospital.  I got to leave early one shift, but had to tough it out for the second.  It was PAINFUL to the point of barely being able to walk or stand.  The pain has subsided a little (5 days in) so hopefully I can get back to the gym and get through work this week.  I found some preparation H with lidocaine and it has been a lifesaver this far.  Besides the pain in the ass, I have felt really good.  I have been exercising almost every day I'm not at work and soaking up that vitamin D. 

Since my last post we bought a nice glider/recliner that I've had my eye on from facebook marketplace.  It's so comfy!  I thought with all the hours I have ahead of me to breastfeed, I deserve a comfy chair.  We also have a dresser moved from Scarlett's room to our room to put the baby's things in.  Our master bedroom is filling up with his/her things and it's SO exciting!  We also celebrated Dad's birthday and Easter!  

I just filled out my last work schedule before I go off for maternity leave, and that is so exciting!  Not exciting that my leave will have to be unpaid, but it's worth it 1,000 times.  We are getting so close!

Monday, April 11, 2022

Baby #4: 28 Weeks


Here we are at the third trimester, 28 weeks!  I can't believe we are already here. I'm still feeling pretty good so far.  I do have to really watch what I do throughout the day because my back will feel all the aches if I've done too much by dinner time.  Also the hemorrhoid's reared their big ugly head this week.  Lots of rest, cream and stool softener every day. My nose is going a little crazy and I can smell nasty things from rooms away.  My breasts are still pretty sore from day to day.  My nasal congestion finally cleared up!  I've gained about 20lbs so far and feeling strong still so far.  i'm hoping to not gain over 35lbs, so hopefully I can average 1 pound a week from here on out.  I'm still working out 3-4 times a week with cardio and weights.  

This week I did take my GDM (gestational diabetes) test!  I lucked out and got the fruit punch flavor and stayed in the office to wait for my hour blood draw.  I was sure going into it I'd fail and have to take the 3 hour test.  I did with both Scarlett and Hazel.  BUT I passed!!!!! WHEW!  I'm still definitely going to watch my sugar/carb intake but it makes me feel better that my pancreas is holding strong through this last pregnancy.  In the pregnant world, I'm of geriatric age at 34.  The risks increase the older you get for GDM, hypertension, etc so I felt very relieved to pass this test.  This was the last 4 week appointment with the doctor.  Now it's every two weeks!

As far as baby goes, everything is still going great!  Heart rate is strong and the kicks are stronger!  This pregnancy for the first time I have a posterior placenta which allows me to feel SO many more movements and kicks!  I love it SO much and have never felt this much movement from a baby before.  It being my last pregnancy, it's the best gift haha.  The older kids are obsessed with feeling baby move and it's just so special.  

Last weekend we had a babymoon!  We snuck away to Broken Bow in a very nice couples cabin.  We ate great food, hiked 5.5 miles, relaxed in the quiet, soaked in the hot tub, read books at night and had awesome conversations.  We needed this so bad and I'm so thankful we could do it!

This week our Nestig crib came in and we got it all put together!  I love it so much!  The big sisters love to put their baby dolls in it and pretend.  It's so sweet.

Keep growing baby!