I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Lowering the Bar

Every semester, cadets must weigh in to make sure they uphold the Air Force's standards. This week I did my usually weigh in. I came out fine as usually, but left with a heavy goal on my shoulders. The Air Force is lowering the bar on maximum weight standards next semester. They are knocking it down by 15 pounds. This means, I must lose about 12 pounds by my next weigh-in in January to stay within range of a 5'2 female. Weight is a sensitive subject with any woman, and I'm no exception. I have never been described as thin, delicate, petite, or skinny. I work very hard to maintain my physical fitness, with multiple trips to the gym a week and a more healthy way of eating. It has taken me time to love and appreciate my natural body, and I'm glad to be where I'm at today. I can run 6 miles without death to the lungs, touch my toes, do 61 sit-ups and 50 push-ups (military-style) in a minute. I'm by no means a size 0, 2, or even a 6, but I have learned to embrace every curve to it's fullest. So when I'm told to lose weight to fit into "standards", it feels like all the hard work I do isn't enough. As a future member of our military, I know I must meet standards and regulations, for they are there for a reason, so I have decided to take this new goal and run with it! I haven't been at this goal weight since high school, but I have never had this kind of motivation until now. My mom once told me," A goal without a plan is just a wish." So I'm making a plan! I'm going to completely restructure my eating habits, with the help of an on-campus nutritionist, and strive for some new work-out plans. I know I can do it if I'm truly focused, and with the help of my amazing, supportive husband. He is getting on the ball with me because it makes it so much easier to eat and make smarter choices when your other half does too!! We also hit the gym together and keep each other motivated. Any new goals you'd like to start up on? No better time like the present :~)


  1. Good luck! I wish that health and weight were not so closely linked in our standards and mindsets. Someone can be extremely healthy but have a different weight than the chart says they should. There is no accounting for muscle mass. You look amazing, and I know this is a tough goal! 12 pounds is a ton for a female, so I'll be rooting for you!

  2. like I said before, if anyone can accomplish this goal, you can!! you have an amazing amount of discipline! i have no doubt that you will reach the goals you set for yourself! though I do think the AF setting those standards is crap! obviously a MAN did that! lol Keep your chin up girl!

  3. I hate how we focus so much on numbers. I say physical fitness is way more important than weight. Unless someone is going to be lifting you over there head why focus on weight. I rather see a woman who is strong and confident with her body than someone who is weak but has a lower number on the scale. So frustrating but so positive of you to turn it into intense motivation to achieve a new goal. I have been trying to cook more nutritious meals at home. I'm getting there more so now because it's not easy to go out to eat. I have found the crockpot to be a life saver! I seriously can put frozen meat and veggies in it in the morning and by the time dinner time rolls around there is a fabulous meal ready.
