I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Dayton Bound

After months of waiting and twiddling our thumbs, the Air Force finally released our Enter Active Duty (EAD) date, June 6! We didn't want to go active right after graduation because we wanted some down time to spend with friends and family, and the AF heard our wishful thinking. This means that after June 6th, I start accruing pay and vacation days and Kit and I are officially on the government's healthcare. We finally have a light at the end of our tunnel. We haven't been informed on what day we actually have to be in Dayton, OH yet, but I assume it will be shortly after June 6. I am also scheduled, for the time being, a six week training course at Maxwell AFB in Alabama starting June 9th. Usually with training like this, Kit wouldn't be able to come with me. Luckily, this specific training session he will be able accompany me! We are definitly excited about it. We both decided a long time ago that the less time we're apart, the better. The only situation that Kit wouldn't be able to come with me would be that he landed the police job he's been putting so much effort into. Either way, a win-win situation!

I thought knowing these dates would bring a sense of ease to the chaos that is our life right now, but if anything, it made things even more unpredictable. We can't move forward with plans until we have a hard copy of our orders from the AF. Once again.....thumbs are twiddling.....but at least this time we can do it with excitment!

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