I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year, New Chapter

As I look through a year of blogs and photos from 2011, I'm reminded how drastically life can change. This time last year my husband and I were closing in on our first year of marriage, living by ourselves in Stillwater, OK and starting our last undergraduate college semester at OSU. As of now we're closing in on our second year of marriage, living with his parents and working minimum wage jobs to survive. Oh how life can change. 2011 has had it's many challenges, but together we have met each one head on and became better for it.

We are looking forward to 2012 for many reasons. First, this will be the year we start our active duty military journey together! Secondly, the first reason will let us begin our financial plans that we have longed to put into motion since taking our money handling seminar back in 2009. Thirdly, the AF is moving us to Texas, where we can become completely independent as a couple and start really feeling like our own little family. This upcoming year may hold some fierce challenges (if the military has it's way), but I know we'll conquer and come out stronger because of them.

Of course, I must end with my personal expectations for the upcoming 365 days. In 2012 I will run my first full marathon (26.2 miles), tackle my final weight loss goal (only 8 lbs to go), become more involved with my dad and take the GRE for graduate school. Ready. Set. GO!!

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