I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Hazel Faye: 5 Months

Weight/Length: Estimated 15 lbs

Diaper: Size 2

Clothing: 3-6 Months

Eating: Breastfeeding 6-8 times a day

Sleeping: 1-2 naps a day, waking 1-3 times up at night

This girl has been so much fun this month!  We feel like her little personality is really starting to shine through and develop.

This month we kept inside quite a bit because of quarantine, celebrated her FIRST Easter and celebrated Dad's birthday, so not too crazy of a month!

HBD Dad!

We didn't do much for Easter, sadly no family or brunch but the kids got to hunt for eggs and we even managed to get a family picture!  I love this big family of ours.

This month the biggest challenge was that damn ol' sleep regression at 4 months!  It hit our house HARD.  She didn't sleep well for about 2-3 weeks, and it JUST now back to her old routine (if it holds).  We were so spoiled with our first two in that once the started sleeping through the night around 6 weeks they stayed that way.  No regressions, no bouts of not sleeping.  We have been so fortunate with sleepers.  Hazel started waking up 2-3 times a night for that 2-3 week stretch.  Ugh, but thankfully we're back to sleeping through.  Whew, it was rough!  She's still rooming with the parents, but really I'm not complaining.  I'm not ready yet to never have a baby in our room again.  She can stay a little while longer.  She takes 1-3 naps a day with usually a good 2-3 hour one in the middle of the day.  She can nap in our swing but she naps best in her bassinet.

This month she hit some amazing new milestones!  One night during a pre-bedtime diaper change I got her to giggle!  Ugh I just love baby giggles.  It's funny how once they nail down a laugh, it stays that way throughout childhood.  Norah and Scarlett still laugh like they did as babies!  She also started grabbing her feet!  She's not fully into it yet, but she's reached them a time or two.  She's pushing her chest off the ground during tummy time too.  She's mastered rolling onto her tummy but not onto her back yet.  She just gets tired and frustrated and cries until we help her roll to her back.  She also started intentionally grabbing toys and bringing them to her mouth to chew!  Just so many new things she's trying this month.

She's still breastfeeding like a champ.  She nurses just one side at a time for about 10-15 minutes.  She eats about 6-8 times a day and definitely still cluster feeds in the evenings when she's really sleepy.  Next month we start solids!  I'm excited to see how she'll react and like them.  She's sucked on an apple slice and carrot stick here and there and seems to love it.  Kit even caught her holding her own bottle last week. UGH.

Her big sisters are still obsessed.  Five months and Norah still asks to hold her every morning when i bring her out. I just love it.  Scarlett has become way more interactive with her too.  Scarlett will lay down next to her to talk or show her toys.  She loves to tickle and talk to her.  The big girls are entertaining her more and more and it's magical to watch. 

I'm looking forward to traveling with all three, trips to see new things, camping, hiking and just a stupid thing like all of us sitting at breakfast at Dilly Diner together.  There's so much Miss Hazel hasn't seen/explored so we can't wait to introduce her to our normal activities and adventures.

Here are my favorite pictures of our Hazel from this month, enjoy!

Doesn't mind our walks

She loves attacking my arm during diaper changes!

Not a huge fan of the carriers but she tolerates them.

Trying the seat out!


Always sucking on those two fingers!

First time strawberry picking!

FaceTiming family!

Hazel Faye I can't imagine a world without you in it.  We love you and are just so obsessed with you!

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