I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Scarlett Kay is 3!


My middle baby is THREE!  This girl has changed so much in the last year and accepted and adapted to so much.  We love our firecracker Scarlett so much.

Stats!  Our girl is 28.8lbs and 35 inches tall!  She's still pretty petite but definitely mighty.  She's in a size 5 diaper or 3T/4T pull ups.  As far as clothing she still wears mostly 2T clothing but we're edging into some 3T.

Our girl loves being outside, reading books, having one on one time with Mama, dancing to music, sliding at parks, all animals and anything "Anna" from Frozen.  She can sit in her room for half a hour just paging through her books.  She begs for the park every time we drive by one and yells "SLIDE!"  She loves literally all animals.  We have an apartment cat that someone else owns but she's got it trained now to come when she stands on our stoop and yells "MEOW MEOW EAT!"  So of course, we have to feed her!  She loves going to her grandparent's farm to ride the "Neighs" (horses).  

She isn't a huge fan of her car seat still or long car rides.  Thankfully she doesn't get car sick as often and vomits, but she's the first to lose her cool on a road trip.  She doesn't like having to ride in the stroller either on our walks.  

This girl has been through some major changes this year.  First off she had to give up her role as the baby and become a big sister!  She was unsure of Hazel the first few weeks, but warmed up quickly and even argued with Norah on who would get to hold the baby.  Then just a month after her birthday we had her first surgery to place tubes in her ears.  We felt like her speech was lagging and thought (along with her pediatrician) that this might help her hear better, then improve her speech skills.  She did great with the surgery and bounced back that afternoon.  My favorite Scarlett will be Scarlett on Versed though LOL.  Fast forward to this summer, her hearing improved significantly but her speech improved just a little.  We noticed too she was extra clumsy and fell or bumped into things often.  We decided to have her eye sight checked by a pediatric ophthalmologist, and I'm so glad we did.  We found out she needed glasses ASAP for an astigmatism in her left eye, and along with glasses also needed her right eye patched so her left eye could get stronger.  I'm so glad to report she's doing really well wearing her glasses and we've only had to replace one pair so far!  So many changes for our girl this year!

Even with all these improvements, her speech is pretty delayed.  She says 2-3 word sentences and pretty basic words (probably 100 or so).  She also doesn't annunciate very clearly.  We just had a speech pathologist evaluate her to see if she qualifies for speech therapy to help our girl get caught up.  Fingers crossed we get accepted. 

Some of our favorite things she's saying:

"I do, I do!"

"Nah-nah-nah-nah  Di-Di!"

"No baseball Daddy!"

"Name?" (when she doesn't know the name of an item she points to something and asks)

"No share Daddy"

"Sissy do?" (when Norah gets in trouble she asks what sissy did)

Scarlett loves food!  She eats salad, broccoli, cheese, eggs, biscuits, PBJs, hummus, guacomole, carrots, salmon, chicken nuggets, fries, drinks milk, cereal and loves her some lemonade!  There is rarely a food we introduce that she doesn't like.  

Sleep.  Her sleep habits just recently changed.  She used to sleep from 1930-0730 daily with us having to wake her up to get ready for the day.  Now she sleeps from 1930 - 0600 and will now come out of her room to our bedside to let us know she's ready to start her day.  She literally never left her room at night until just a few months ago.  Since she wakes up so early she is thankfully still clinging to her afternoon naps.  She naps at the same time Hazel does at 1230-1445 when we have to leave to get Norah from school.  It's glorious and I don't want her to ever drop her nap.  She sleeps in a toddler bed now but when we move to our new house we'll set up her new twin size bed. 

Potty training.  I'm pretty sure by the time Norah was her age she was over the hump of potty training and just had a few accidents here and there at daycare.  Scarlett has proven to be much for difficult and stubborn.  We tried about 3-4 times throughout the summer and fall with no luck.  She wouldn't be bribed with treats.  She didn't care that wet panties were touching her.  Finally about 3 weeks ago I had the two littles home with me for the day and decided to put her in panties.  I asked her to sit on the potty and she obliged!  And PEED all on her own!  Seriously a light just freaking clicked on and she was ready.  Our friends have 5 kids and they told us you can't potty train a kid unless they're ready, no matter how ready you are.  So true is their advice.  We have her in pull ups now and she's pretty consistent at home when we take her every 1.5 hours.  She hasn't quite gotten the hang of it consistently at daycare yet.  Baby steps!

Scarlett knows about 10 letters, can count to three and knows about 5-6 colors.  She loves to sit down and learn things when given the time.  She can point and say mostly all of the parts of her body.  She can tell you what every animal says!  She loves to point out mommy and baby objects and loves to classify emotions as happy, mad or sad.  I love when she wakes up from sleep or a nap, the first thing she does is grab a book, hands it to me and asks "Ready peas?" She's slower to learn than Norah was at this age, but she's still so smart and bright.  We love watching her pick up new skills or learn something new.

Scarlett is definitely our most difficult child, but we say that with a grain of salt.  She's truly a great kid.  She's our stubborn firecracker who has the funniest sense of humor and iron will to admire.  She loves BIG and feels big emotions too.  She's still my ride or die even after a baby came into the picture.  When you ask her who her favorite is....Mommy!  

Scarlett we love you SO much and can't wait to see what you accomplish this year! 

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