I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

McBaby #4: 38+6

 Our last weekend at home we spent just us hitting the pool all weekend, playing with the kids, getting ice cream, cleaning, napping and celebrated Father's Day!  I didn't have work this week so that was nice to not have to flip my sleep schedule all crazy right before baby arrives.  The last two weeks I've been shuffling kids to all the doctor/dental/eye appointments that I could get done before I had to haul a baby around.  

Father's Day 

Soaking her all in

Weekend at the pool!

I hit the pool for some last minute solo tanning sessions and moved my body at the gym while I still can before I have to take weeks off from surgery.  

I took the big ones to see the new Buzz Movie! They loved it and did so good!

Well this is it.  The last night I'll every have a wiggly babe in my belly.  End of an era for this Mama!  I'm so grateful to have been able to carry four babies to term safely.  Feel them hiccup, grow, kick and breastfeed them all as long as they have needed.  This hasn't been the easiest pregnancy and a lot has to do with it.  I'm older, heavier by about 10lbs, still working night shifts in a hospital while raising 3 kids.  I haven't complained because I know this is our last one, but it's time.  Time for me to say goodbye to stretch mark cream and maternity clothing and say hello to raising this big, beautiful family of ours to the best of my ability.  I'm sad about never feeling the kicks, rolls or flutters again.  I'm going to miss this beautiful bump so much and the way the kids pet/talk to my belly.  I know I'll cry when the nurse rolls me out of postpartum in a wheelchair for the fourth and final time and that's okay.  I'm embracing all the emotions through this crazy train I'm boarding.  The good, the amazing, the beautiful, the sad and the mourning of a chapter closing.  

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