I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Norah June: 10 Months

Weight and Height: 21 lbs 2 oz and 27.25 inches long

Eyes and Hair: Bright blue eyes and thick blonde hair past her ears

Diapers: Size 3

Clothes: 9 Months

Eating: BF 5-6 times and eating 1-2 solid meals a day

Sleeping: 9-12 hours when she's not sick

10 months!! Wow this toddler train is just gaining speed!  Norah June had mostly a great month!  First we celebrated her first Valentine's Day!  I had a three day weekend, so we made the most of it.

After that we had my in-laws down to visit one last time before the big move back to Oklahoma.  We ate by the water, rode bikes 15 miles to Seaside FL, played and laughed so much.  Norah, much to my surprise, warmed up to them fairly quickly.  In no time she was cooeing and giving them her award-winning smiles.  She's such a BIG personality!  Next time we see them we'll be home for good!

Norah had a couple set backs this month.  First she got her first double ear infection.  Boo!  Now when she's sick she gets SUPER snuggly.

She also had one night where she wouldn't stop throwing up, like every 20 minutes for about three hours.  I don't mean a little spit up.  There I was trying to get a photo for Dad of her eating a cracker for the first time and BOOM.  It struck.

I swear it was like that scene from the Exorcist.  My poor babe.  Finally I took her upstairs to try to see if she could rest a bit ( I read it can settle their tummies).  I laid her on the floor for 10 seconds to get her jammies and....

So I laid next to her for about a hour and a half to make sure she didn't upchuck in her sleep.  She slept the rest of the night.  Luckily no other incidents like that since.

Norah is developing so ahead of schedule, it's hard for me to keep up!  She's crawling everywhere and getting into everything.  She crawled into the cat room and started causing mayhem!

When I run upstairs to fetch something I have to play the game, "Where's Norah?" when I come back down because she's never where I left her.  She follows me to the kitchen and will stay under my feet constantly when I cook.  I'm SO not used to this.  When we're upstairs I have to lock her in a room because she immediately bolts for the stairs every time!  She's even discovered how to slowly crawl up the stairs, or at least attempts to.  When her Nana was here she showed her how to squat down from standing.  Once she showed her how, she caught on quick.  She can lower herself down now!  Pops had to lower her crib mattress too because she's pulling up to stand on her own in her bed now.  Nana also showed her how to cruise.  I wasn't familiar with the term, but I guess it's when they walk along furniture while holding on.  She's just unstoppable.  She's developed object permanence!  Her grandparents thought that was just the coolest thing, and they were impressed with how early she's got it down.  No new words this month, but belting out "Mama, Dada" on the daily.  She has three teeth now too, the top one has poked through!  She's able to drink from a straw and hold the cup on her own.  She thinks that's the coolest thing ever.

Norah has such a big, loud personality and with that she's developed things she likes!  Now that she's in control of her body more, she's showing me what she definitely favors more than others.  She LOVES the curtains in our living room.

Lover of flashlights

She will just sit in front on the window and play peekaboo in them for hours!  I just love it.  She'll miss them so much when we move.  I think I have to get some of these curtains for the new house now.  She likes putting her toes in her mouth!  Ewwww!  She likes straps, cords, flashlights and shoe strings.  Her favorite obsession, much to my dismay, is still my hair.  She just loves to run her little sticky fingers through my hair and coo with delight.  She pulls a lot, so I can only stand it for minutes at a time.  Ah the things we endure for our babies.  She really enjoys watching other kids.  She'll crane her neck to see them.  She has a little boy in her class she loves to chase too.  He gets so many smiles from her!  She dances now while she's in the Ergo or while she's sitting.  It's too adorable.  She's also starting singing to herself.  She even did it while I was on the phone with my husband.  He asked, "Is that Norah singing?"  Why yes it is.  She's very ticklish !  Especially under her chin, her booty, chunky thighs and rib cage.

She's still sleeping through the night mostly.  She wakes up now 1-2 times a week towards the end of her night and about 50/50 can put herself back down again IF she's sick.  It makes my week mornings really rough at work, but I know she doesn't feel good so I'll handle it.  She's still doing great with two naps a day.

Breastfeeding is still going great.  This girl is addicted to the boob.  Like seriously.  She's going to have a hard time once I'm ready to wean.  She's doing a new thing where she pinches the nipple she's not feeding from, ouch!  I read it's a comfort thing, but seriously it hurts.  She eats solids really well for her teachers and other people that aren't me.  She hardly eats for me.  When she does her favorite is probably yogurt and guacamole.

Pumping while driving!

She also really likes graham crackers, peas, applesauce and oatmeal.  I haven't found anything yet that she's reacted badly to.  I'm hoping with her Dad coming back into her life again soon, we can start weaning off her mid-morning/afternoon BF sessions with solids.  The LC and pediatrician both told me that BF babies on average double their weight by 3 months and triple by 1 year.  I thought with her not eating many solids from me it'd affect her weight gain, but so far so good!  I'm trying to work on her picking food up with her hands and feeding herself.  Currently she picks it up and throws it on the floor! Haha.  At least she has that pincer grip down.  She just started trying to feed me items though.  She can feed me but not herself yet, silly thing.

These next few weeks are going to be SO incredibly busy with me prepping for our big move.  I'm trying to soak in these last few weeks of it just being us two.  Things are about to change BIG TIME for us!

Picture Time!

Valentine's Day outfit

Norah's First Valentine's Day

SUCH a goofball!


Most vocal baby ever!

Crazy hair don't care

Nosies with Nana

We loved our visit!

Great hair day

 My mini me!

Time to lower the crib, boo!

Broke out cute knee pads!

Um excuse me little Miss!?

Sick days are no fun.

Cheeks for weeks!

First time in this bike seat

Getting our steps in!

ALWAYS on the move

I can't get over how blue those eyes are.

She found the curtains!

"Are you watching Mom?"

"You can't see me!"

Curtains are the best. thing. ever.

Those lashes

Icy Eyes - Bird Watching Norah

Practicing for when she gets her magic wand


I just can't.

Little Norah hands

That left thigh crease is my favorite.

It's not all sunshine here

Attack MOM!

Fan of the Graham

Toe Sucker!


Always under my feet

Giggly before bed

Pink eye for Mom

Just cruising along the couch

Hey Girrrrrl

Found the stairs!

This was our last month together, just us two girls.  I've treasured and loved all my one-on-one time.  I'm so incredibly excited about bringing her Daddy into the mix, but I'll miss being her one and only a little bit.  I just love her so much!  Norah June, finally you get a whole family again!

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