I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Monday, January 6, 2014

26th Birthday

Another year older and first step into my late twenties officially.


I don't feel old, but I'd be lying if my maternal clock didn't start slightly ticking today!

The main thoughts I keep having are just simply how grateful I am for the changes this year is already bringing. This time last year I was border lined depressed, sitting in a empty hotel room far from home alone with a pitiful Lean Cuisine from a quik store. I even tried FaceTiming my in-laws but quickly choked up. I felt sorry for myself, alone and it was awful. Definitely my worst birthday to date. Well thank God it's over. Moving on to better memories!

This year is quite the opposite. I'm with the one whom I love above all others. I'm not alone. I'm content, extremely happy, cuddled in the warmth of our home and ringing in another year older with a smile on my face. I have all I need curled up at my feet and draped around my shoulders. What more could a girl want to start out her late twenties?

26 years old, Whoop Whoop!

Made from scratch, frosting included! His first one and it was perfect.

My oh-so-handsome cake chef!
This birthday I am enjoying having my cake and eating it too! Here's to a wonderful new year and the end of the holidays officially in the McVay House!