I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Bumpdate: 18 Weeks and Gender Reveal

So Exciting!!

Size of baby: Sweet potato

Pregnancy Symptoms: Restless nights, no more sore boobs when I run!

Things that make me nauseous:  Nothing this week!

Cravings: Wine

Sleep: Not sleeping well, probably bc I'm so excited!

Exercise: Crossfit 3 times this week and running

Baby Movement: Not yet, damn placenta is in the way!

Total Weight Gain: 5 lbs

Christmas Week!

Finally.  The week we've been waiting for.  Is our precious baby a boy or a girl!?!?  First this week we met with our doula for the first time together.  She's super sweet, and everything went really well for the first meeting!  I'm pretty insistent on a natural birth, and yes I mean no epidural.  I believe in my body, and I think it will know what to do, when to do it when the time is right.  We wanted someone in the delivery room who is educated about such things, help coach me through the process, and advocate for me if the medical staff tries to pressure me into a decision.  We're very excited to work with her, and my husband is very supportive for it as well!

Finally came Christmas Eve, and the ultrasound appointment we'd been waiting for for almost 5 months.

I'm beyond appreciative for my OBGYN's efforts to allow me to schedule this a couple weeks early so that my husband could be present for it as well.  This is the only ultrasound he'll be able to attend to for this pregnancy, and we both agree it's by far the most important one.  I couldn't imagine this appointment by myself, so I'm really grateful for our little ones timing.

Our little McNugget is a ....


We're SO excited and blown away!!  We finally can put a name to a fetus!  Speaking of names, we've finally landed on a name.

Norah June McVay

Kit fell in love with Norah, and June is my Grandmother's name and Great-Grandmother's middle name!  We definitely went with the old-school classic name instead of top-ten list.

Girl Stuff!

Our sweet Norah

We were so blown away in the ultrasound.  We surely thought McNugget was a little boy, but she surprised us alright!  We couldn't be more excited!

We can't wait until she has us wrapped around her sweet little finger.

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