I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

5th Anniversary and Babymoon

We decided we had to do one more trip before little Norah blessed us with her presence.  Since my husband and I live 5 states away finding time for trips can be tricky.  We finally settled on an anniversary/babymoon road trip to Asheville, NC!  Of course we wanted to do something big like Greece or Hawaii, but we need to be responsible and save our money.  We are after all having a kid and putting him through law school!  So we settled for a fun, eclectic trip to a town in the Smokey Mts.

The drive up was gorgeous, and we both missed the mountains more than we realized.  First things first, we had to celebrate NYE!

My husband surprised me with very fancy dinner reservations in downtown Asheville to a 1940's swing private dinner party.  The food was phenomenal and we even got a table next to the piano/jazz singer and fireplace.

Afterwards we walked to this huge beer tavern with a live band and rung in 2015 together with local beer (him of course), dancing and a kiss!

The next day we celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary with a McFamily traditional NY Day hike!  A big reason why we chose Asheville, NC!  The hike was about 3.5 miles round trip and a huge elevation spike, so I was a bit slower than usual, but we had a blast!  We loved the exercise and views.  I even had to pee outside hanging onto a tree thanks to my pregnancy bladder!  Ah the memories.

5th Anniversary traditional gift is wood, so he got me a wooden infinity necklace and I gave him a wooden wedding ring with a guitar string embedded!

Day 2 we explored downtown Asheville and shopped until our feet hurt!

Coffee break in a red double decker bus!

Then my sweet husband waited with me to get into this chocolate shop for 35 minutes to satisfy a pregnancy craving.  I don't crave much but this shop was TOO much to pass up!  He's the sweetest.  Did I mention this was at 10p?

 We finished our anniversary by snuggling up as a family on a plushy king sized bed with full bellies.

He was afraid we'd forget about him when we checked out!

Zeus had to hike too!

Our babymoon was great, and true to what we love doing!  We've really grown into outdoorsy people, so we like to tailor our trips to what adventures we can take outside.  We can't wait to have Norah along for our hike next year.  We'd definitely go back to Asheville in a heart beat!

Now for the mushy part of this blog....

I can't believe how incredibly lucky I am to have this man choose me as his wife, mother of his children and lifetime best friend.  I love him so much more now than I did 5 years ago, and I don't see the increase stopping anytime soon.  I'm so eternally grateful for him and the life we've built together.  It's been hard, it's not come without it's trials but it's oh so worth it.  My husband told me right before he left this last time, "If this were easy it wouldn't be worth it."  He's worth every tear I cry missing him, every hour I put into a job I dislike, everyday my heart is heavy because he's not with me, and every missed holiday/anniversary.  He's worth it all because this man is my life.  I love him, and he loves me.  What more could I ever need.

Jan 1 2010

Jan 1 2011

Jan 1 2012

Jan 1 2013 (ish)

Jan 1 2014

Jan 1 2015

We've started out as young college lovers, married our junior year, both graduated college, moved through 3 different states, traveled to 8 countries, survived a year long deployment,  thriving long distance for law school, and finally became pregnant with our first baby.

These last five married years have been, as my husband always puts it, an adventure.  An adventure we'd take again over and over just as long as we're together through it all.  I can't wait to see where our adventures take us in the next 5 years!  Happy 5th Anniversary my love.

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