I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Why Norah June?

We had so many girl names in mind that it was overwhelming!  We had no trouble at all finding little girl names that we loved.  We knew we wanted a family name in there somewhere, so we decided on "June" after my paternal Grandmother's first name and maternal Great-Grandmother's middle name.

Norah was a different story.  We had tossed around a few, but my husband is an old soul and loves older classic names.  I like modern, out-of-the-box names, but luckily we met in the middle.  When we were in the ultrasound room finding out about her for the first time, my husband uttered, "There's our little Norah" and it just stuck.  We knew she was our sweet Norah.  My husband even chose the spelling.  I was thinking N-O-R-A, but he liked the H at the end.  We also didn't want anything that would spur an easy nickname.  My husband's biggest pet peeve is when people don't use their first name, and instead go by a nickname.  Haha he would know!  So he insisted that whatever her first name be, is what we address her by.

We hope it's a name she can grow into as well, and we love the family heritage behind the middle name.  We can't wait to meet our little Norah June.

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