I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Bumpdate: 21 Weeks

Pls pardon the all-natural pre workout look

Size of baby: Pomegranate

Pregnancy Symptoms: Finally welcomed flutters in my tummy :)

Things that make me nauseous: Nothing

Cravings: Nothing crazy

Sleep: 7-8 hours

Exercise: CF 5xs, Yoga 2 xs plus 1 session of prenatal yoga! Ran twice, great week for exercise!

Baby Movement: Finally at 20+6 days, I felt her!!

Total Weight Gain: 9lbs

My husband flew back for his second semester of law school in Oklahoma, so back to a normal routine for me!

I miss him already!

I'm really excited to get back to Crossfit, yoga and running.  Especially with me getting noticeably bigger by the week, I don't want to lose my fitness stamina that I've worked so hard for these last couple years.  I just couldn't make myself take hours out of my week to work out when my husband was here and unable to join me.  So back to the grind!  Also since he's been home we've been eating and cooking like crazy!  My body will love the clean eating challenge I'm about to put it through to detox it from the holidays.  My husband also gave me two private prenatal yoga lessons for my birthday!  I'm so excited to try the prenatal version, since I've only been doing the regular classes.  I love that my husband supports me being so physically active during pregnancy.  We've definitely received some scoldings from older family members and coworkers, but it's my body, my baby and we both have researched enough to know what's healthy for Norah and I.

Love my CF maternity shirts!

I bought this pregnancy pillow from a fb spouse's sale group, and was pretty excited to try it out.  I read about them online and really wanted one but not for that hefty price.  I actually bought this from our Lamaze instructor for $20, so I thought I'd try it out!  Turns out it makes a great stand in for when your spouse is away at night!  I should have got one of these a LONG time ago!  It doesn't quite feel like my husband, but it's a great alternative.  Especially with my belly getting bigger, I really appreciate the support in bed.

Before my husband left we also finally got registered!

He loved the scanner part!
It was pretty overwhelming, and who knows if people really look at registries or not, but we're glad that part is over and done with!  We've registered at Target and Amazon, but our Amazon list is much more up to date, and so much easier to add to.

Lastly, after 20 weeks and 6 days of just watching my stomach go from flat to pudgy, I finally felt our tiny daughter move inside me.

It doesn't feel like much, in fact I waited a day to even tell my husband just to be sure of what I felt wasn't gas.  I feels like little bubbles bubbling up inside my stomach, but when I put my hand on it from the outside, that's when I feel a slight protrude feeling.  My midwife tells me my placenta is in a spot that is acting like a buffer so that I can't really feel her much, but finally she's big enough to make her presence known.  These movements I feel can only get stronger from here, so I'm looking forward to feeling her grow stronger everyday, and I can't wait for my husband to feel her too!  Such a big milestone for our pregnancy, and one I've been looking forward to since I peed positive in September.

This was a great week despite the slum I was in because of my husband's departure.  Seven weeks until we're reunited!

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