I vow to help you love life, to always hold you with tenderness and to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share the silence when they are not and to live within the warmth of your heart and always call it home.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Weight Loss Journey Month 1

Well one month down, many more to go! This month was quite a challenge for a couple of reasons. Most obvious because it was the first month! It's always hard making changes and sticking with them. The third week in I went out with friends a couple times too many and ate pub food, drank cider and just consumed way to many calories and not enough exercise! Ah well, we can't be perfect all the time. Luckily, there's always that following week, which I kicked it's ass! Another challenge I faced was living in a hotel room all month. I was sent away already to do more training, so I lived without a stove, large fridge or grill for awhile. The challenge was not being able to grill food, make healthy eating out choices or load up my fridge with yummy fruits and vegetables (lack of space). The bright side of living there for a month was that the gym was only a 5 minute walk from my room and the base had amazing running trails.

For my first month I had a total of 5.6 pound loss! I definitely didn't hit my goal of losing 10lbs, but for being on target for only 3 weeks, I think I did alright. I'll take any loss I can at this point. This is naturally a slow process, and if it isn't then you're doing it wrong! It took months, even years to put it on so it's not going to disappear over night. Plus, all I have IS time right now, eight more months of it.

A fellow Instagrammer posted her weight loss rewards and I loved the idea! Here are mine!

I need a pedi soon, so that's real motivation! This is a great tool because it allows you to focus on the smaller goals instead of the overall huge goal. For instance, losing 30 pounds can be intimidating, but losing 10 is way doable to our minds! Little goals always add up to the big one! Also, I found this little gem in a fitness magazine I was reading:

I don't know how accurate these numbers are, but it helps to get an idea! I plan on getting a full blown physical when I'm done with my weight loss journey to see where my numbers are. Yes I want to be thin, look good in my bathing suits and sexy in dresses, but that's not my main motivation. I need to be healthy. Diabetes runs in my family, along with a laundry list of other fun ailments and I'm determined not to suffer from any of them. I want to be healthy for my husband, our future McBabies and our family. I want to hit 100 years old and I believe weight management and proper diet is a must to achieve that. I rather be strong and fit, than thin and weak. Let's go and get fit! We're worth it!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a good sign if you can fall off the wagon and get back on! It means you're in it for the long haul and not just some crash diet. You'll reach your goal in no time!

    The blood pressure thing I would check with your dr! I had several issues with bp while on bc pills and my goal was to have my bp in the range of 120/70-80ish. I know when the bottom number is 90 you may have a problem!

    Keep at it! You have time so no need to beat yourself up too bad if you go out for drinks every once in awhile! Find lifestyle choices you can live with long term! I've always felt like that's the key to losing weight and being healthy. Find what works for you! Keep up the good work!
